

Ask @AfiqahAfiey

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Buat karangan tentang misha dalam format surat kiriman tidak rasmi

No 27, Road 88
Gold Coast,
Hope u are having a great day . Sorry for the late reply . Firstly , your name is Adriana Shamisa bt Shazarm . You just turned 13 on 29 Oct . You are tall , skinny , pretty , swag and dislike Pink .
From Kapar , Klang :P . She loves travelling . she looks arrogant at first but , well u know people change , actually she's a hyper kid that sometimes go crazy like a monkey .
More about you , umm you're quite friendly . Sister of Kak Nazura and Kak Sabrina . You own a 600D Canon DSLR Camera . Iphone 5C user . iPod Shuffle user . You never wear shawls and u prefer bawal more . a veryyverry lazy person but very intelligent . loves KH so much eyy . Loves taking selfies . You love talking about seniors with Alia . You dont easily get angry but once , "EVERYONE WILL RUNAWAY" . You're that easy-going kinda person . Dont wear high heels but prefers sneakers more . Dislikes floral things but loves galaxy . Loves to sleep very much . Chris Collins cutecumber . Loves boybands and youtuber . Her bed is beside me :L . Always wake me up in the morning . Sometimes she looks scary after waking up from a sleep . She prefers sleeping on the weekends .
Um , well I think that's all that popped out my head . Actually there's plenty more but they just can't pop out . Well perhaps this is a goodbye . Byeee Merida ;) .

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if you were nowhere near a toilet and your child needed to pee and you had to no choice but to take she/he behind a tree/bush but they were was too embarrassed/ becuase he/she was woried that it was not normal doing it in the outdooors what would would you do...?

just let them pee,, idc

desc alia syuhada

Alia Nursyuhada bt Azzarrul Hisyam or Hisham...
13 to 14 and was born on 8th of May 2001 . From Batu Caves , Selangor . Taller a bit than me , your hair is so damn flawless , quite pretty and friendly . Firstly , sorry for allllllll of my mistakes towards you and I know I have done so many wrong things that couldn't be forgiven . Sorry for all my harsh words , my rough attitude . Sometimes I can't help it and I knownu dislike me so much . Well um ur Kak Nisa Nizam's sister and you loveddddd her so much you cant deny . You are very closed with every senior in Aspuri and Aspuria . U are very good in attracting them so well . Sometimes I like u for being so kind and soft . Pls change Alia and sorry I'm so evil towards u . I think that's all have a fun holidayy ;)

memang lah. eventhough dgn aku, senior kau ni pun kau taknak senyum. and one more thing bile org senyum kat kau, senyum lah balik k :) aku tngok budak batch kau okay okay je setengah tu tapi kau yang tak rapat dgn diorang. try rapat dgn diorang sekurang kurangnya tegur pun jadilah. pls jadikan batch

In Sya Allah . jangan nampak kesalahan dekat aku sorang ja so please .
Liked by: Afiqah Ishan

hai. aku bukan budak batch kau pun act. cuma aku nak nasihat, bila met with senior or eventhough your batch pls lah senyum. bukan susah pun kan nk senyum? and jangan berpuak sgt. asyik dgn your class je kau kawan. how bout budak kelas lain? diorg mesti terase kn?

oh thanks for that and aku bukan berpuak , i'm trying to be nice with everybody , it's just them want to accept me or not . sorry la kalau kdg2 aku senyum pon bukannya smua nk snyum , yg buat muka selamba pon ada yg jeling lgi lah terok . so lebih baik aku snyum kt org yg selalu balas senyuman aku ja , btw kelas lain pon berpuak jgak . so not me only :|
Liked by: Afiqah Ishan

Macam mane IB tu boleh couple dengan Haziq??

diorang tak couple lah . tolong lah jangan salah faham sangat . IB tak murah ok mcm perempuan lain yg asyik couple ja . dia ada maruah diri jugak . diorang kawan sebab Haziq nak kwn dgn IB , lgpon Haziq sorg ja laki yg x hina dia banding dgn laki lain dlm batch 01 . Haziq dgn IB hanya kawan , I repeat kawan . jangan nak dengar cerita yg belom tentu betol ke tak . nak senang go ask her urself


hey bae :)
sorry tangguhkan soalan ni cause I was thinking too much to describe u so here it goes .
Wan Darwisha Sofea bt Wan Ahmad Shamiruddin . sorry kalau slah ur fathers name at the back .
Ur thirteen
We're twins bcause we have the same birthday date : 27.01.01
Studies in SMKI
Tall and skinny and pretty and fabulous and gorgeous and smart and fashionable and good at selfies.
Omg ! It's been a long time since we took a picture together , how I wish I can meet u againnnn .
I havent find any people that can compete u in MRSM so which means ur still the best among the rest .
Hope ur doing well in ur studies .
I just misseddd u and missing u like more than words can explain
I love ur pictures rn cause it's fab and swag and vogue .
Ur right handed
Neighbours with Naj ..
so yeah , its been a long time i didnt go to your house
I never had any twin rather than u
Thanks for being too awesome I can literally die .
All and all , I just loveeeee uuu i hope u can meet u again and have a happy holidayyy darl .
Byeee , that's all i guess and i think there's much more but my fingers need a rest .
xoxo .
sorry for any english errors or typos . so yeah byee :*

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Liked by: Afiqah Ishan

bina karangan mengenai

Nik Haikhal Rizalman
emm ,
Form 3 ..
3 Masruq kan emm .
Tinggi , baik kot , slalu ada dlm vine Nuqman Zafri . Baru lepas PT3
Tahun depan O-level candidate , so goodluck ! :)
So yeah , thankyou sbb sudi bergambar dgn ktorg rmai-2 semalam .
Stay Cool .
Idk what to call u so can I call u Nik ?
Sorry tak kenal and agak gugup nak describe , but I've tried my best and you have so many fans so watchout ✌️
bye .

Describe Haziq Haikal

Deena , tolong aku sat!
Fyi , aku x kenal dia sgt so aku x tau apa nk tulis and yg aku tau dia kelas 1F aka 1 Khubaib . Homeroom Anis en hmm , dia dh nk pindah Mrsm Kuantan and yg lain tu aku xtau so byee.


Language: English