

Ask @AfiqahAfiey

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Desc me :)

Hyeee comel
Nur Farisya and I call u farisya
SKINNY , SPRINTER MAKTAB , jealous gila kau boleh lari laju aku ni tercungap cungap lahai hahaha . rumah orengg . kelas fudhail homeroom Syafa . first time kenal kau time aku dgn farah dok ckp psal classmate kau and kah suruh share dgn kau so start dri tu la ktorg prcayakan kau and yeah kau seorang yg baik and boleh dipercayai , thanks sgt sbb boleh simpan rahsia and baik , thanks sbb pujuk aku time aku nangis haritu . farisya kau cantik and kau aiman muad punya and korang mmg comel sgt x terkata lah haha . haha kau block d aras 1 .. emm kdg kau rjin share stories dgn aku hehe tu ja kot , smoga dpt results yg cemerlang and happy holidayy

Describe putri hairuzza

hey pretty .
Putri Nurdania Jazmin Hairuzza bt Khairulnizam or Jazzmin or Jasmin idk heheh :) hope it's correct .
Um well Auzaians
Homeroom Azidah . she loves her bae to infinity and beyond haha lel . Skinny and tall and pretty and flawless and has a gorgeous smile . well yeah , she loves to smile everytime I met her somewhere around maktab . Maybe we're not close but ur kind and I can see it . I adore ur beauty so much ! Bestfriends wif Sofea , AnisZetty , Nassya, Anisa and others . I love ur geng cause u guys have "semangat setiakawan" so yeah , I think that's all I know about u , and have a happy holiday ! Goodluck in lifee

2nd time desc

my dreams come true ^^
so okay .
Irdeena Batrisya bt Noorjasmin
well known as IB .. u know ur such a great friendd , talkative and the unique thing about u is u will laugh everytime u say a word and sometimes it's funny . Well it's true sometimes we cant kill ur vibe , everyone deserves to be happy including u , so stayy happy , dont care about what people say about u and please call them dumbass lol . ur actually cute and u have to notice that , every girl was created beautiful and never ugly . dont feel ashamed with ur size , cause i love it when it comes to me , getting sleepy and I'll find u for me to land on ur lap hehe . not like all the others , keding ja xbest . haha btw stay strong and dont miss ur bae too much , In Sya Allah ada rezeki ada masa , jumpa lagii dkat mana-2 hehe k byeee tu ajaa

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desc me :)

hyee ;)
seriously muka kau mcm seseorang kwnn aku and sebiji gila-2 huhu .
Ika Khairani , tu jala nama yg aku tahu
Budak Junayd
Homeroom Maryam
Nuwinaa = bae
Cantik , sepet , comel je .
Tak kenal sngat tp aku tau kau baik
Sorry tak selalu senyum , aku ni jenis org yg serious . XD
well yeahh , school's over so kita x jumpa dh la lepasnii , okay so tahun depan kta tegur or senyum-2 ok klau terserempak or wtsevr . hehe .
Btw have a happy holidayy , jangan lupa buat homework so yeah byee ;)

describe sofea

hey sofea , aku dh describe dh tp sokay aku describe lg skali
Nur Sofea Hazeera bt Johari ? btul tak In Sya Allah betul . 13 to 14 . Tall and so fair . Pretty and flawless as always . Taken by someone lucky ~ Auzaians . Homeroom Azidah :P . 12 and 13th Nov , were best memories we created eventhough it's not too much . Thanks for joining my selfies . Yr kind and sometimes rough . StayStrong , hope ur backbone will be okay . I'll pray for your recovery babe ;) xoxo

just asking..sape kawan baik korang?? yang korang sayang giler giler?? hmm..nk tau jugak..

kalau kawan baik merangkap twin ialah
Wan Darwisha Sofea
kalau kawan kesayangan
Girls Homeroom Najib lgi-2 dormmates Farah Alisa and the geng .
Liked by: i.btrsya

should i watch pewdiepie's videos or Running man??

based on my opinion i like pewdiepie more cause runningman is too mainstream heh . but its up to you , ur choice is the best for u ..

dikewaip hanie

Nur Hanie Shameera bt Hajazi kan kan heh
Hanie .
1 Fudhail
homeroom Syafa
Dormmates Farhani
Dressed so well
Always looking fab and fancy
Yr pretty in ur own way
Lives in Penang and speaks Penang :P
Pupils in MJSCB always talk bad about u , but stay strong hun .
Sorry if I have ever talk bad about u .
U love to smile
Ur friendly and easygoing
Sara and Farhani's BFF
Her selfies turn out to be so Vogue
I love the way u dress up .
Taller than me
block d 1st floor room number 1
Smiles so broadly
I think that's all i know about u .. byeeeeee ;)

Hi girlzzz..please..desc me?

Noor Farhani
Hyee bdk comel ..
Idk u much but I'll try
Noor Farhani
People just call u farhani
best buddies with Hanie :D
U guys will always be together
Homeroom Syafa
Kelas Fudhail
Yr cute
Yr very fair ..
Yr pair of eyes are cute ^^
Yr selfies are freaking cute .
I followed you instagram heh .
Yr short but ur just being u
Fab in ur own way
Sometimes people have bad influence towards u but idc what people says
Ok i think that's all , sorry if there's any mistake in describing u :) byee

Describe me!

heloooooo budak .
Akmarr !
Bdk 1A
Hmroom Hashim
Bdk block D aras bawah bilik 6 haha
Selalu datang A aras bawah dorm Sofea
Pernah dtg dorm aku duduk ats katil Farwizah .
Yr just so sweet , u have a dimple .
Thanks sbb jaga rahsia aku . Sayang Akmar !
Bdk Selangorr ..
Suka senyumm
Pandaii .
Pretty in her own way
idk u rapat dgn sapa huhuhu
Ur friendly and easygoing .
U need to be glad i trusted u cause its hard for me to trust people .
Sorry ok kalau ada bt salah apa-2 ..
Akmar comel ;)!!!
byeeee . jumpa esok In Sya Allah =D
Liked by: Akmar

Describe me as long as you can Comel

Nur Munirah bt Rosjake . Neera . Adik Kak Aida yg flawless . Ada dimple yg dalam , suka pegang dimple dia . Aku tak suka hang kata hang hitam , aku tak suka kalau hang kutuk diri sendiri sbb HANG DAH COMEL okay . Ni doubt . Creative . Left handed . Bdkk Selangor bkhang . Homeroom Najib . Rajin gila nk mati . I love her notes so colourful plus her beautiful handwriting . Her selfies so fugging cute . Certain homework , she's damn lazy . dia slalu lari klau aku nk ajak selfie . kesayangan dia : Nana . Bdk-2 Silat . Dia suka gelak klau Danial atau Afiq bt lawak . act , byk lgg tp x tertulis . kbyee
Liked by: Muneera


tak kenal sngat dorang .
tpi boleh jaa :)
Aifa : comell . mata hazell , minat kak Datd mcm nk mati , stalker kuat habih . Chubby
Diyana : OMG , I love her style so much . She loves reading english novels
Madina : budakkk comelllll !! Comel nk matii
Nayli : Archery player , bekas bdk MRSM LANGKAWI . Belanja ktorang g lawatann :D baik
Nisa : x rpt sgt tpi innocent and comel .
tu ja kot , eh ?
Sara : Pandai gila nk mmpoih . Flawless in her own way . I love her smile , its so sweet . hahaah aku tau , pemalas jugak tp untung ah pandaii . Setiap kali g dorm dia malam , dia dh tido . Sara suka puji aku depan-2 mata aku aduhai sara malu la .
#Neera tunggu aku describe hg lg stu soalan .
Liked by: Shifaa Anis Muneera

Describe dormmates FARAH ALISA

diorang lah yang palingggggggg aku sayang dalam maktab .... lgi-2 Farah , Nana , Ilya , Afrina... tpiii sayang semualahhh . Bersyukurrr dorg homeroom aku . I'll never let our friendship break whatever comes apart . I'll spend my life full of ups and downs with u guys . love from syasya .


Language: English