

Ask @AmmoJones

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Sorry I have spellcheck on my iPad ;) he's not the most attractive man ever though :/

Haha I forgive you, looks aren't everything. He has such a brilliant, tortured and generally amazing mind, who could resist?
Liked by: McLovin

Tom York (for people reading this,and maybe for Amy, he's the lead singer of radiohead) ;)

Haha Thom* Yorke* :P of course I know who he is, he is amazing :D thanks
Liked by: McLovin

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your similarities of my personality is uncanny. Indeed I am doing it as A level so I hope to do well and I wholly agree on Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are a Unfathomably good combination of actors. One question what does this mean, "ijhfernfnorew"

I was thinking the same thing :P It's why I love talking to you! I'm sure you'll do perfectly fine tomorrow,what do you find most intriguing about history? Unfathomably is most certainly the best term to describe the pair, I keep re-watching both series and I can't wait for the third which I think they're still filming :D Just like demotivated, tired, bored, restless, and a bit lost maybe :/

I'm very exquisite, I've been making mental notes of all the good words that have been used today. I'm good tired and frustrated at the fact that I have a history exam tomorrow at 9 but i'm feeling confident BTW hababababa <----- I have no idea, how are you ?

I concur ;) I love good words, foreign or otherwise. I have three next week but fortunately on tuesday and wednesday :/ Good luck with History, aren't you doing it for A level? I'm ijhfernfnorew it's indescribable. Do you agree that Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are the greatest Sherlock+Watson duo ever??

AmOli ;) guess who?

Well hello there :D I was trying to think of someone's name, I apologise profusely my dear partner! How are you?

What's your IQ ?

My parents have only told me that it is over 130 but under 170. Your guess is as good as mine :)

Do you trust people easily?

No, my policy is to hold everyone at arms length; it makes it a lot harder for them to hurt you.

10 funniest people from ATC?

Will, Louis, Siôn, Owain, James (Turner), James (Symonds), Jakeman, Ffion, Rob W andddd Dave

how in the name of merlin's most baggy Y fronts did you know that was me? seriously, how?

Hehehe I knew it :P

impossible situation to answer right, ur smart,being cocky about it is annoying, so is denying it, stating facts your only option but even then it'll annoy some people. Think about it anon, what the heck is she supposed to do?

(Is this you Sam?)

big headed much?

Not really, no. I was asked a question and I answered it truthfully. Intelligence is quantifiable and is decided by genetics, it's a fact. You can try to be modest but that is almost as annoying as being cocky, both of which are more annoying than stating a fact.

wow ur smart then! how does it feel to be that smart?

Er thanks, I don't know really, because I don't have anything to reference by. I don't really like talking about grades because I know some people who try really hard and really want good grades, but don't succeed; which in a way is opposite to me because I don't do any homework, I don't revise or try if I'm honest. It makes me feel guilty that I have this intelligence and yet have no motivation to use it :/

What sets are you in/ what predicted grades have you gotten/what do you want to do after leaving school?

I was in top set for maths, english, and welsh (dafuq??). We don't have sets in other subjects.
Predicted grades.
Welsh - B
Welsh lit - B
English - A*
English lit - A*
Maths - A*
Science - A (Biol - A*, Chem - A, Phys- A* - Coursework - A)
Additional Science - A (Biol - A*, Phys - A, Chem- B, Course Work - A*)
Geography - A*
Art- A*
Physical Education - A*
BTEC Engineering - Distinction (Worth 2A*s)
Total = 8 A*, 2 A, 2 B. (I hope it goes that well)
After leaving school I want to go to college to study Further Maths, Maths, Economics and either Geography or Sociology. Then I'd like to attend a high standard university and study Law, Maths or Politics, philosophy, and economics (P.P.E)

i didnt ask the question, dunno why its a turn on but sucking girls toes is, dunno why

I know, but still who are you?
Okay I'll take your word for it then

answer to a, that question wasn't me but guys find that a turn on

Well who are you then?
How can sucking someone's toe be a turn on?


Language: English