

Ask @AmmoJones

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if u could have any mental disorder, what would it be?

That is a very difficult question, obviously I'd prefer one where it wouldn't inhibit my daily life. For that reason probably mild Aspergers syndrome or Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

what is unthinking respect for authority?

To me only respecting someone because they have a position of authority is somewhat pathetic and narrow-minded. In my opinion authority has to be earned, it shouldn't be automatic and unthinking.

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1 if you could live this day again would you change anything? 2 If your life had a soundtrack what would it be? 3 Do you thing a boy and girl can be just friends?

☆The man who sold the world☆
1. Yes, I would do something more productive or force myself to socialise.
2. Wow good question; I don't think any one song could express my life, although the collection of 37 songs on playlist would probably come close.
3. I do, providing neither has sexual feelings for the other. It can be very difficult though because unlike friends of the same gender parents may not trust you two to be able to sleep in the same room, or people may start creating rumours that one likes the other, or that you're going out which would destroy the friendship.

Do you already have Ask.fm app for iPhone?

Since the last time you asked about my phone I've found it, unfortunately it's still the shit brick I remembered it to be.

The one about art hi it's llinos :)

Hey :) (I'm really bad at names are you the ginger haired quite short person?) :/

Nops, feel deeper inside your closet.

I just went to my closet and looked for Narnia and you (I didn't find anything or anyone:( ) Owain?

She metaphorically ran them over. Guess who it is.

Ahh so they survived? I know plenty of people who have this kind of imagination, I'd say it's either Oli, Will or Owain. Am I right?

Started to get a little frisky, so she ran over my legs and I was all like ketchup can't have a baby with mustard because they don't have genitals. So yeah, I just wanted your opinion really. Guess?

I decided to answer on this one, you should probably take your vegetarian girlfriend to a doctor/plant specialist (I don't think photosynthesis is a function normally supported by human cells). Also the doctor may be useful to get your legs checked out, did she run them over personally or with a vehicle? Wouldn't a ketchup/ mustard baby be AMAZIIINNNGG! What is it you would like me to guess my fellow human (I think)

My girlfriend came over the other night dor tea and she just like started to photosynthesize all over the table and I started screaming, so we played a few rounds of backgammon and I was all like gammon is ham, but that was irrelevant because she is a vegetarian. So like as the night went on, things


Hey I met you at the airfield I kept loveing your drawings hello :)

Hey thanks it means a lot :D who are you?

onid rhagofn i'r rhai sydd yn y gro, synhwyro rhywsut bod y drws ynghlo , opinion?

Sam (it's probably you) I am not giving you my opinion on all the lines you can remember (if indeed it is from a poem, I cannot remember)
Liked by: Freya Rushton

gwerth cynnydd yw gwarth cenedl, a'i hedd yw ei hangau hi , opinion?

"The value of progress is the downfall of a nation, and it's peace will be the death of it."
One of the only worthwhile messages in the bloody welsh poems. I agree with it to an extent, but it totally depends on the circumstances.
Liked by: Freya Rushton

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Okay, if someone actually likes it this time :)
Liked by: Freya Rushton


Language: English