

Ask @AmmoJones

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why is te feling " unrequited "

I think the feeling is unrequited, because I don't feel that they look at me in the same light that I see them.
Liked by: Freya Rushton

Where would you like to spend your holiday?

This year- Gibraltar would be perfect (I've applied through cadets)
In the future- I'd love to travel America (North and South) because of the sheer variety of opportunities available there, preferably with a group of mates or as a single backpacker.
I also want to visit Iceland, Egypt, Russia and potentially Germany hopefully not in the too distant future.
Liked by: Freya Rushton

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what are you like drunk and do you like how you go when you're drunk?

I can either be:
a) Relaxed - basically couldn't give a shit about anything
b) Angry - destructive and unforgiving.
Type (b) is the reason I don't drink too often.
Liked by: Freya Rushton

Will walking boots be okay with combats?x Megan here again:)

Sorry I'm a tad bit late in replying, they obviously were!

What are you busy with?

Not a lot if I'm honest, although I'm in the process of deciding whether a poem I'm working on needs another stanza :/ What about you?


Language: English