

Ask @AmmoJones

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how is hate motivating?!

Because it can remind me that there are things that need to change, and it reminds me that I can always do better. Plus it emphasises why I don't care about people's opinions. :)

none, I use sarcasm on my hate questions, why don't you just delete them?

I don't know, I guess they're kinda motivating sometimes :)

and why so many unanswered?

They're mostly hate or questions that I don't want to answer :P How many unanswered questions do you have?

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because headaches don't give emotions like the ones on your face, I know sadness when i see it


Why does your profile pic look sad and depressing ???? x

It encapsulates the way I'm feeling at the moment, I have a really shitty headache and I feel like utter crap.

how do you cope with difficult situations in your life?

I don't, unless it's really important; then I just tackle it head on without emotion.

How do you usually start a conversation?

It depends how close I am to them, if they're just a friend 'hi' will do but if we're really close it's normally something that's random or crazy :)

defenition of overly personal though?

It depends on the question, but in general something you would be surprised if a friend/acquaintance asked you. Or a question that you look at and ponder whether it would be a good idea to answer it. What would your definition be?

what do you do when you like someone but they don't like you back?

It's one of the worst feelings in the World. The longer you hold onto the hope of a relationship the more you'll get hurt, it is not worth it. Arghhgffdghhhh I don't know

Do you prefer tea, coffee or cocoa?

Black coffee ftw!! Although coffee mixed with hot chocolate is one of the best drinks ever :D

just to stick my nose in, Moses had been proven to exist although crossing the nile delta and the parting of the sea caused by the fast retreat of the water just before a tsunami caused by a volcano eruption *backs back into the shadows and pretends was never here :P )

*Shits myself and gets whiplash from turning my head to identify the source of the voice* Even IF Moses was based on a historical person, the biblical Moses is a fictionalised version of him. People who argue for historical basis for anything mythological make the dangerous mistake using any history to verify the mythology. Like statistics, the past can be manipulated to prove pretty much anything.
"Correlation doesn't constitute to verification"


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