

Ask @AmmoJones

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Would you agree that some of hitlers ideas and policies were good? :)

A complicated question that I know many would answer negatively. However, I feel that he motivated his people by giving them back their pride which was lost after the Treaty of Versailles. He rejuvenated his people by giving them a purpose in life by declaring that they were the best nation in the world. He brought back together his people into structured groups (albeit with racist motivations). After the depression he set up schemes to get people into work in the armaments industry and building autobahns. If my memory serves me correctly he cut unemployment from 5 million to less than a million people, which would indicate some good policies. The views he expressed when talking were vile, but he was certainly a charismatic speaker and you can see why so many were in awe of him; he was revered by adults and children alike. In my opinion he was one of the most charismatic politicians of all time.
Can his good political credentials be divorced at all from his horrendous political acts? Will history ever look at Hitler's policies individually and judge them on their basis instead of looking at his policies at a whole and seeing the anti-semitic and megalomaniac aspects of it?

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Liked by: zacron McLovin

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Yes but if you had to give a verdict what's your judgment of James as a person?

I am unsure of whether you're aware but for the last three weeks at cadets (I think) I have been in at least one disciplinary meeting, discussion, whatever you want to call it, a week for attitude, comments made both in person and on the internet. I refuse to be drawn into making another comment by a coward on the internet.
@WillSlaney are you proud? :P
Liked by: Ffion Haf McLovin

Do you think this flight thing will work?

Owain Morgans
I hope so, because of the volume of work that's gone into it; but at the moment I'm skeptic due to the lack of training any of us has had.
Liked by: McLovin

heyy! hehe im just a randomer, is it okay if i can talk to you cause you seem nice xxxxxxx

Yeh sure and thanks :D How are you randomer? xx

James is a great friend of mine and apparently you hate him so I'm curious

Every feeling I have for or against James is completely justified.
Liked by: McLovin


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