

Ask @AmmoJones

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doesn't truth or dare end up everyone snogging tho?

That's why you have to play with fun/creative people (or people you like ;) )

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What's your favorite party game?

Truth or dare, but it depends how fun/creative the people you are playing with are.

what is your greatest deepest fear? what is your deepest ambission? Why?

Deepest fear (not sure I should be putting this on here): That all we do is in vain, after all we all die in the end and are quickly forgotten. Why don't we quit now and save ourselves the pain?
Short-term ambition: Do well in my GCSEs and A levels, make my family proud. Ideally study Law or Maths at Oxford or Cambridge.
Life ambition: To be able to look back at my life when I'm on my death bed and be able to say without regret that I've had a great fucking life, and that I've left the world a better place for it.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0377vnc/Panorama_Broken_by_Battle/ If you have plans of joining the military it's worth watching

I already have, it's shocking how the MOD can desert these soldiers in their time of need. More definitely needs to be done, regardless. I cannot emphasise enough how thankful I am that my Dad does not suffer from this horrible condition, despite this I know he was affected deeply by what he saw during the Gulf War.
Liked by: McLovin

37 days until results, how do you feel about it?

Shit really? I thought it was ages away! I'm kinda apprehensive because a lot of people have high expectations of me, but there's no point worrying about it because what is, is.

Recommendation- My Awkward Sexual Adventure (brilliant film) :D thank me later

Hmmm I may pass on that, I'm in the middle of 'The perks of being a wallflower' :P

I'm going to watch fast and furious 6 on thursday so there's no point watching it now, if you find a good website which shows despicable me 2, tell me please :P

Ffion Haf
Awesomee, I'll keep an eye out!

I never asked, don't ask what made me think of it now I'm odd. How did you're additional maths go?

Haha that was unexpected! I hope it went okay :) It was really bizarre sitting in the exam hall by myself with two bloody invigilators. I answered the vast majority of the questions (it was nails!!). I counted all of the marks that I was over 80% sure were right and I had somewhere around 56/100 which I hope is a pass. Tbh I was never really hoping for more, it'll at least help me at A level when we come to do calculus.
Your* Really Sam?

How dare the anonymous person spell my name with one F -_- Thanks for your honest opinion :P I will be more responsible in future :D

Ffion Haf
I thought the same Vion :P No probs you know I'm a straight talker :D

dont u think fion would be a good nco?

I don't know, she is very good at the social aspect, there's no doubt about that. If I'm being completely honest I'm not sure she could carry off the responsibility, she doesn't care enough; I can't blame her though. Ultimately it isn't my decision, and as everyone on that squadron knows the promotions are unpredictable and inconsistent.


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