

Ask @AmmoJones

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Do you think Gay marriage should be allowed or not ?

Will Slaney
Of course I think it should, especially in this day and age of equality. I'm honestly surprised it has taken so long. What do you think?

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What do you fear most?

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown" ~ H. P. Lovecraft

what would win in a fight, a great white shark or a turtle

Scott Prentice
Depends where they're fighting, because if it was on land the shark would die, thus the turtle would win; if it was in the sea then the turtle would drown or get ripped to shreds.
Liked by: Scott Prentice

definitely a boy

How many times do I have to explain how irrelevant gender is, to Neanderthals like you?
I'm female for all that it does actually matter.
Grow some balls and come off anon.
Liked by: jepoon eyda

why do you get so much hate?<3

Probably because I won't conform to society's expectations, and I'm not afraid to say how things actually are.
Also I'm very argumentative and opinionated (doesn't help) :P <3

anon, y the ** do u care, Amy hs short hair, it suits hr perfctly + does nt make her a man, lots of men 've long hair. This wound me up, we "put up with you", y the hell does apearnce dictat tht? Nobody 'puts up with her', I'm sure most will agre, we enjoy her compny, tht u obvs havn't experienced.

Thanks Sam, means a lot :)
Liked by: Alison ☮ (✔)

Who decides what's right or wrong? Perhaps we're all just caught up in the idea that the Holocaust was 'wrong' but maybe killing for the sake of killing isn't immoral at all. Maybe NOT killing is immoral. Society is odd.

I may be a psychopath but you're definitely a sociopath.

I've also heard you're a psychopath. All of the teachers at school talked behind your back before, probably still do.

I'd rather be a psychopath than a coward, which you currently are. I couldn't care less about what/who the teachers decide to talk about in their own time.

Wow you really are a pretentious twat. I achieved 2 A*s in GCSE English and am now studying English in college, you'll rearrange my face? All I asked was a question. Don't act as if I'm the bad person because plenty of people agree with me, maybe even you friends & family, they just put up with you.

Well then you really shouldn't have had two conflicting areas of your sentence if you are as food at English as you claim to be.
Yes I'd very happily rearrange your face.
That question happened to be provocative, cowardly, and offensive; how did you expect me to react?
So you aren't the bad person because people agree with you? You can accuse me of hyperbole but didn't many people agree with Adolph Hitler when he was in power. Just because it may be common opinion doesn't make something right. Racism, used to be an accepted reality but now is considered morally wrong, popularity of an idea doesn't mean it is acceptable or correct.
Liked by: McLovin Ffion Haf

Haha grammar correction, sign of the weak. I do apologise, WHY do you look like a man?

Hardly, the answers would have been very different because one was a question that expects an answer whereas the other was a statement of your opinion. On another point getting A*s in English lit&lang is hardly a sign of the weak. In fact hiding behind a keyboard on Anon is considered to be far more cowardly and weak.
a) I don't believe I do after all what, or more importantly, who dictates the characteristics of gender?
b) What does my appearance and aesthetics have to do with you?
c) Why should I conform to the social norms?
d) Why should I change my appearance to suit your archaic values and standards?
I could continue but I think my general gist is clear, if you have a problem with my appearance feel free to come say it to my face, where I'll happily rearrange yours...


Language: English