

Ask @AmmoJones

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should gun laws in the USA be changed?

In light of recent events many people would be inclined to say that they should, I feel that we should look at the wider picture e.g robberies and home burglaries have decreased massively because most homeowners own a gun and are allowed to shoot intruders.

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how important is religion today?

This depends entirely on your view on religion, for example a religious person would say that it is very important and a non-believer, like myself, would say that it has minimal influence on my life. If you mean by dictating world events, then it is still very important, whether for good or evil.
Religion doesn't have the same place in society that it used to because it is becoming more diverse and homogenised.

best justification (if any) for war?

It depends on who you are trying to justify yourself to. In my opinion acting for selfless reasons would be justifiable, but in war there are always ulterior motives.

is there more or less nobility in war today in comparison to ancient war (hand to hand combat)?

Dulce decorum est pro patria mori ~ The people fighting in the wars are no more or less noble, many still pay the ultimate sacrifice.

most common reason for war?

Well, the two most common are religion and greed. Religion tends to start the wars and then if the country has any valuable assets then MEDCs tend to prolong it to gain those assets.

which world war was the most justifiable?

Arghh this is tough, it really lies with your definition of justifiable and also for whom. E.g it was justifiable for Great Britain to fight during the second world war in order to stop Germany commandeering the majority of Europe.
Liked by: Alison ☮ (✔)

you are a maths genius and you put 4 after 1 ????

Oops my bad :P Na Abby finds the other two boring (the fourth is her fave) so I gave up because we were running out of time.

How close are you and your sister on a scale of 1-10?

It depends what mood we're in if I'm honest, we can go a week without talking or for example yesterday we attempted a Harry Potter marathon together (it failed!)

opinion on me? opinion on abby? best friend?x

Olivia Hamilton
I don't know you that well, but you seem to be one of Abby's more trustworthy and reliable friends, which I thank you for. You also seem intelligent and very pretty.
Well, where can I start, I mean she's my sister and it's true to the saying, "You can choose your friends but not your family". We don't have the best relationship mainly because we are both so different and yet so competitive. In everyday life she's annoying, loud and stubborn, and in general acts as if she doesn't care (that was probs caused by me). Despite this I remember a few years ago when I had pneumonia and was in hospital she was properly scared for me, even after me telling her that I was fine.
It's quite hard especially in this area to have a best friend if you haven't lived here your whole life. For the 5 1/2 years that I have lived here I recon Ffion has stuck by me the most after we met in primary school. If I move again then I guess it's another new start :/

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Yea hahah, well i fell back asleep:D

Tut tut, although mind you, you do need more beauty sleep then everyone else just to not be forced to walk around with a paper bag over your face.

Jump on her? Omg this should be brill

Na I shouted at her! She isn't going to be happy with me (it is the third morning this week that I've woken her up!!)

What are your plans for the Valentine's Day?

Coursework, more coursework and maybe I'll consider some pointless homework... Maybe.


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