

Ask @AmmoJones

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I know it does! My name started off as 'This isn't paedo bear' but i thought that wasn't very 'addas'. What's addas in english? :L

Ffion Haf
Appropriate :P Hmm not really it should have been, THIS MOST DEFINITELY ISN'T A PAEDO BEAR! (bear face). that would be awesome!

well i'm not a scientist am i! I don't know all these things :P

Ffion Haf
:D I know I know! Me either but I felt like answering in a roundabout way meaning, I really couldn't give a fuck because it doesn't affect me!
Liked by: Ffion Haf

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How was the universe created? god, big bang, other?????????

I am not at all religious in the conventional sense, I do not believe that a higher being exists who dictates major events.
It is thought by many better informed people than I that there was another universe before ours which imploded, causing the big bang and our universe, it is also thought that we are the result of an ongoing expansion.
Personally I don't proclaim to have all the answers, nor do I wish to seek them. Human life, in comparison to the span of the universe is but a blink of an eye, yet it is the longest thing we will ever witness. Within the short time we have I plan to make a positive difference other people's short existences rather than get caught in the net of profound scientific and theological questions.

why is the sky blue?

It has something to so with the light spectrum and at what angle the sun light passes through the molecules in the atmosphere I think.


Language: English