

Ask @AmmoJones

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ok asking loads of people this to see if anyone will get it, its an old roman code you need to answer : KRP KAXCQNA RB ADKKRBQ , only clue that you need a shift of , good luck (and yes I am bored to be asking this)

Sam I have a headache -_-

what is the answer to the country's current economic problems?

This is a massive and difficult question. In my opinion as a country we should open different sectors of our economy such as production, this would create a positive multiplier effect, which in turn will increase revenue in this sector. This would also create many jobs in factories including managerial posts, thus decreasing unemployment and people who rely on the government as a source of income. Increasing production would also increase retail and boost other sectors of the economy.
Also it is my opinion that lowering University tuition fees would help contribute to decreasing the country's economic problems. This will benefit our county in years to come as this generation will be better qualified and with less debt. I also hold the opinion that the border should become a lot stricter, I am aware that this is a controversial opinion. I believe that this would help as there will be less people applying for the few jobs there are and also less people living off the government.
Apprenticeships in my opinion are the way forward. They enable young people to gain the qualifications and a trade. This makes them very employable which should help decrease the number of unemployed youths. This system has worked very well in Germany, who unfortunately are now sliding into recession.
There are many alternatives to the very few ideas that I have mentioned.

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Liked by: McLovin

1) biggest advantage of facebook (2)biggest dissadvantage of facebook (3) biggest advantage of ask.fm (4) biggest disadvantage of ask.fm

Allows me to keep in contact with mates who I don't live near.
Unfortunately it enables sluts to advertise themselves.
Allows people to manipulate public opinion.

"I don't spend hours every morning plastering my face with make up." - That just makes you more beautiful, you don't need it

:D Thanks Anon, to tell the truth this made me blush a little!

how in the name of merlin is anger, depression with enthusiasm?

No idea, but I cant remember who I quoted saying that :P

how much flesh should girls have exposed?

Depends entirely on the situation and age. For example if they're at the beach in a bikini there is no problem, but walking around town in a scant top and 'belt' is ridiculous.

would you class yourself as a..., 1. Positive person or negative person 2. Happy or sad person 3. argumentative or shy person 4. confident person 5. attractive person (please don't take any questions personally I've asked this to loads of people)

"Amy is a very negative person" ~ Mrs Coles (head of yr11)
Sad, because anger is depression with enthusiasm.
Yeah, depending on the situation
On one hand I don't look like I've been run over by a bus, on the other I don't spend hours every morning plastering my face with make up.
Liked by: Ffion Haf

(1) opinion on mini skirts? (2) opinion on mini skirts in school

I'd never wear one, but I cannot see the problem with them providing that you aren't obscenely fat or it isn't actually a belt and they are worn in appropriate situations.
Ridiculous excuse or sluts to show their cottage-cheese in leggings that they call legs off to people who honestly aren't interested in them.

What movie inspires you?

Wilbur wants to kill himself
It shows that there is light after the storm, things can always get better.

What is one thing you love most in the world?

Bring Joe The Horizon
'Thing' insinuates an object so it cannot be a person. The object(s) I love the most in the world is probably my Dad's army paraphernalia and medals :)


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