

Ask @AmmoJones

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do you believe that this line is the truth or a lie? dulce decorum est pro patria mori

I wouldn't quite say that it is sweet and fitting to die for your country, but there is definitely a level of respect and pride in doing so. I have heard many interviews with families whose loved ones have died in war and the most striking phase that is nearly always said is 'they died doing something they loved' and 'they died protecting their country'. To me this is what dulce decorum est pro patria mori means.

Opinion on calling the Higgs Bosun the god particle?

Religions way of justifying itself
Or some ironic scientists :P

do you prefer chickens cows or sheep?

I don't really like chickens because they're too skittish and I guess the 6 years in Wales has given me a bias towards sheep.

where should yellow rulers be put and should they be used at the same time as green ones?

Again I'm sorry but you need to be asking Sam :P

If you know the use of a green ruler what is the best use of a blue ruler?

I recon Sam knows most about what orifice is best for each colour!

best thing to do when trying to stay awake? (apart from drink monster)

Am I allowed coffee or is that cheating? :P If it is just me in a bare room, or with nothing to do (this is going to sound geekish now) but trying to square numbers in my head or see how far I can go with the Fibonacci sequence.


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