

Ask @AmmoJones

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What has daisy done to Abby?

If you don't know, then it is obviously nothing to do with you. Any reason why you didn't answer the questions I asked? Or perhaps talk to me in person or on Facebook about this, without trying to manipulate public opinion or create a scandal.
Liked by: McLovin

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What are your life goals?

My goal for the fairly near future is to be accepted into Oxbridge or a similar calibre university to study either Law, Math or P.P.E.
Liked by: anna david

Why don't you like Daisy? She's never done anything to you or abby.

I seem to be hardwired differently to other people, I don't believe in the "innocent until proven guilty" system more the "Guilty until proven innocent". This works similarly to how I interact with people, I do not see someone and think, "Ooh they're my friend until they betray or hurt me" they have to prove themselves to me as a worthwhile addition to my circle of friends.
Included in the "She's never done anything" is she has never done anything that is good or beneficial to me, therefore as afore explained, why should I like her? As for what she has or has not done to Abby is a different matter entirely.
Liked by: McLovin

have you ever had hate on ask.fm?

I wouldn't say I have, no. If I did it obviously wasn't significant enough for me to remember it. On the other hand I have had inconsiderate questions, normally about my gender, but I wouldn't call that hate.

most embarrassing (not hate) question you've ever had on ask.fm?

Errmm I have no idea, I don't get embarrassed easily (I don't really care enough to).

What are you most proud of?

Coming second in the Wales schools and colleges debating championships, also winning the North Wales forum of the European Youth Parliament (UK forum this year!!).
Liked by: McLovin

Closest friends?

I don't want to make a list because that involves objectifying both them and our relationship.

Best friends?

I don't like to categorise people, as they are people. Some I get along with better than others and this is shown in the time spent and enjoyed with them, a label is not required :)

You're so moody -.- if you're not gonna answer any of the questions why have ask?

What questions? I do not believe myself to be "moody", impatient maybe, but not moody.

just send em to me as a question or something.. whenever you get hold of any. i love seeing the work of aspiring writers. especially poetry. where every word can mean a million things. as well telling you a little bit of the authors life or aspirations. it's beautiful. can't wait :) x

:) I've emailed the company whose book one of poems was published in to see whether they could email a copy of it to me, I hope they can. I will send it to you if it materialises. If you ever want me to read your work I'd be more than happy to :)

it's a fantasy thriller kind of thing. it's called crushed sand. and yea i'd love to read some of your work. i'm very impressed x

:D that sounds really interesting, and thank you x


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