

Ask @AmmoJones

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At what age do you consider someone old?

Age is just a number. To me the word 'old' symbolises more than that.

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ha ha no I'm not your stalker, (well.....) but you're avoiding the question again

If you were my true stalker then you'd know the answer...

have you ever been caught masturbating?

That depends on whether you're counting my stalker who lives in the tree next to my window...

well, you are avoiding the question Miranda or not, ???????

Nope I think you'll find I answered it sufficiently the first time :P !!!!!!!!!!

when was the last time you masturbated?

Well by the sounds of it you aren't doing it enough, very sexually frustrated!

ye I liked the pic, and you like the question about editing profile pics so I'm in the middle of doing that, hard to think of pictures to put in a montage for the background though

:D good good, I saw it and though "ahh I know someone who'll like this"! Woo! Thank you :)

For the impending zombie apocalypse, what will be your weapon of choice and why?

People often forget the strongest weapon we have is our minds.

ha ha ye, you see right through me, you commented on that picture and just wondered what you thought :)

Did you like that pic? Of course I do! :P

honest opinion on the harry potter books or films?

I read all the books when they originally came out and enjoyed them immensely, I recon the films are a decent representation of the books as far as adaptions go. Is this Costa?

and also Matt Roberts would be proud of you "cofiwch defnyddiwch y graff"

Oh yes! I recon he'd be very proud :D

agreed, but at the same time wouldn't you say that it only takes a small amount of change can tip a balance considerably?

I think this proves that the balance hasn't been tipped at all let alone considerably. But if we were discussing another matter I'd be more inclined to agree with you.
(Shows average world temperature)

ok, do you think that CO2 and Methane produced by man has anything to do with Global Warming?

If global warming actually exists, there still isn't conclusive evidence for it. Then I believe that the levels of methane and CO2 produced by mankind are relatively small in comparison to the levels produced by natural processes.

So are you saying it is?

That depends on your perspective, Peter Petrelli's hairstyle is very similar to Trinity from The Matrix, who I'm pretty sure is female.


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