

Ask @AmmoJones

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What subjects are you going to study in college?

A levels in Further maths, Maths, Economics and Sociology. Also I hope to either study an Extended Project Qualification or an AS level in Psychology in Upper Sixth if all goes well.

How long has your longest ever phone call been?

They are all rather short, I don't really like talking on the phone

One thing James isn't and that's a coward he didn't want me to tell you or ask you but I did he knows that and he working on it but you giving him grief and not hosting him up aswell won't help anything

Punctuation, please? I am not going to change my personality for him, so please give up now if that is your intention. "By law" I do not have to "help anything", it isn't my problem so I doubt I will.

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Wether you know my name or not is not important it's just that James seems down lately and it's because of cadets and people not respecting him as an NCO and people pissing him off he didn't say you but he's mentioned you in the past so I wanted to know why you hate him and your opinion on him

It is important to me. Whining about cadets not respecting him is not going to improve the amount of respect people have for him. It needs to be understood that a promotion does not mean instant respect, you have to earn it. "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth." ~ Albert Einstein. There is a reason that this is in my bio, and that is because it's a rule I live my life by. If he or anyone else for that matter has a problem with it, they should confront me face to face not through an Anonymous coward.
Liked by: Ffion Haf

Well yeh but I'm not saying why we were speaking of you, and by law I don't have to tell you who i am so just tell me if you hate him and your opinion on him and you'll end up knowing Friday anyway

I never said you did have to tell me "by law". Under that same reasoning I am not required by law, to tell you whether I hate him or even my opinion on him.
P.s. If I'm going to "end up knowing Friday" why is your identity such a secret?

Well I'm one of his mates and I'm speaking with him now and he doesn't have ask, and we were talking about you so I thought I'd ask you your opinion on him and/or if you hate him, do do you hate him?

Do do you have a stutter? Sorry but this still doesn't tell me who you are. Also is there any particular reason you both are/were discussing me?

Why would it make a difference in what you say about him?

Everything you say on the internet comes back to bite you. If I don't trust you why would I tell you?

Just tell me why you treat him badly because you obviously don't like him, why?

Just tell me who you are

Why do you hate James Thomas he's such a nice lad and you always treat him badly!

Tell me who you are and I'll tell you

James Thomas claims a 8" coc?

That wouldn't surprise me, but do you honestly trust anything he says? *cough* bullshiter *cough*

How much would it cost to buy your love?

Passion, intelligence, love, honesty, decency, fun, strength, charisma; if any of these were quantifiable, then it would cost the sum total of their worth.

That comment was not me Amy I'm not immature like that, if it was one of my friends I'm sorry but I have nothing to do with it and have no idea on who it is, and plus I think your awesome and wouldn't be mean to you :) xxx

Llinos Jones
Okay, thank you.

haha ill ask again then would you rather suck a 12 inch or fuck a 5 inch?

I'm more interested in the guy that the penis belongs to if I'm honest

you're flirting with oliver now just because he broke up with llinos ugh dirty slagggg

Wow, your lack of punctuation implies that you believe Llinos to be a 'dirty slagggg', although I do not believe this to be the case or this 'question' would be on her page.
Assuming that it was directed at me, let's have a look at the definition of slag, well promiscuous, because I doubt you were referring to me as dirty 'stony waste matter separated from metals during the smelting or refining of ore'.
Promiscuous: '1.Having or characterised by many transient sexual relationships:
2. Demonstrating or implying an undiscriminating or unselective approach.'
The last time I was in a relationship was months ago, thus 'many transient sexual relationships' cannot apply. Presuming you are either Llinos or a friend of her's posting on her behalf, the second half of the definition implies that Oli isn't 'good enough' or is 'easy' which (if it were true) reflects worse on her and Oli.

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