

Ask @AmmoJones

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What historical figures do you most despise?

A number of people I know would answer Hitler, but unfortunately as devastating as the Holocaust was, there were many evil dictators and figure that committed worse crimes.

What do you think is the greatest problem facing the teenagers of today?

There are many problems, the greatest in my opinion is society itself.

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you know what I like about Amy is that, u don't stand for anyone's bullshit, u tell it as it is..that's am amazing fact about you

:D thanks! Who are you?

I love the fact you put (harlech) to separate the 2 osians :P but the amazing one would of been better ;)

osian williams
:) well... You never know, he might have thought I was talking about him.

Opinion on the NCOs ( the new corporals)

This is probably either one of the new NCOs or someone trying to stir shit up. If you want my honest opinion on you (and you are one of the NCOs) feel free to message me or talk to me about it in person. If you are trying to stir shit up, I guess you failed.

5 fittest lads you know?

The 5 physically capable guys I know (my interpretation on the word 'fittest') are:
Rob Owen
Osian Williams (Harlech)
Jordan Roberts
Callum Lewis
Owain Morgans
Liked by: Ffion Haf

Do you care what other people think of you?

I honestly think it depends on who the person is, if I respect the person then I obviously care about their opinions. Is someone has a crude or naive opinion of me I might try to enlighten them, because some things people say can be very hurtful but I wouldn't change myself because someone doesn't like one of my attributes.
Liked by: Ffion Haf

Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

This is a stuipid question. I often get mistaken for a guy because I have short hair, but I honestly cannot see how society believes it to be acceptable for males to have long hair whereas females aren't allowed short hair. People who are so insular that they automatically see someone with short hair and without stopping to think go ohh that's a guy, are ridiculously shallow. The only factors that affect my opinion on people are their behaviour, actions and personality. I wish everyone else could stop stereotyping and act like creatures who defy the social norms, or at least don't judge those who are who they are. Rant over.


Well hello we meet again.... they were just laying there and I though hmmm one toe or two, so I think that they were quite lucky! They could have crawled away at any time, yet none of them did. If they can't be bothered to walk I doubt they have the energy to fly! :)
Liked by: Ffion Haf

What do you think of friends with benefits ?

Okay... Erm I dunno as long it doesn't adversely effect anybody else and both people are happy with the arrangement then it's their decision, and without knowing the whole situation I cannot condone it.

Do you work out ?

Not really, I do weights if we go to the gym with sports but I don't really go out of my way to do it .


:O sorry Ffion I will try to Kurd my addiction for you. But in the meanwhile watch out local sloths >:)

What is your favorite way to spend some time alone?

Counting the fingers I've cut of innocent sloths who are too lazy to run away, or just listening to music.
Liked by: McLovin

why am I the first example they choose for a mad person??

hmm I wonder!! I can't think of any reasons at all!!


Language: English