

Ask @AmmoJones

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honestly it wasn't that fun but it was alright had a laugh with owen jordan and neo in the tent and i got slightly tipsy but not drunk after having a tiny bottle of cherry wine that was 11.5 % and downed it after being dared then had some Kornberg, and some carling which in fact is absolutely vile

At least it was a laugh and the weather wasn't too bad :) Did anyone get completely smashed or do something stupid?

Who do you love more then anyone in the world ?

Myself, the only person who will never leave me :)

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

"Lovers of blue have a deep need to find inner peace and truth, to live their life according to their ideals and beliefs without having to change their inflexible viewpoint of life to satisfy others."

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any way i'm off now so i'll see you another time ;) bai

Sorry the internet decided to die :( Have fun! (Although by the time you've read this it'll have finished) So was it fun? ;)

i have a feeling someones going to do something stupid though and get the police involved but i hope i'm wrong

I hope you're wrong, be careful!! :)

well some food sleeping bag and my friend josh is supplying tents and some other people are bringing alcohol

Awesomeee :)

very wise of you, but idrink posh alcohol apparently like baileys and wine and stuff

Hehe why thank you :) My problem is I like the strong shit, like Jack Daniels, vodka and Jagermeister stuff like that. Which doesn't help! :P What are you taking with you tonight (if anything)?

I have no idea i've never been drunk but i've been tipsy and i got bit aggressive because my friend josh asked me where sion was and i responded with NO! really angrily so i don't really want to find out

I've never been truly drunk around people, but I've experimented by myself just to see the effect it has :)
Liked by: Paulien

I especially need a job to pay the 120 for gibraltar. it starts at six so i'll have to leave you soon :( there will be drinking but i'm not one of those people who dink to get hammered i drink as more of a casual social thing. i'll have a bit but i aint getting wasted no point

Same, I'll find a way :( Nawww, so little time!! I'm the same as you, I don't drink that much because I don't want to know what I'm like without any inhibitions, yet :) What are you like drunk?
Liked by: Paulien

It feels good but i have no idea what i'm going to do with myself and i need to get a summer job so honestly i feel bored already but tonight yr 11 are having a camping party tonight so that should be fun

Same, I really should get a job but I have sooo many things I need to do this summer. Have fun! I missed ours :/ Are you gonna be drinking? :)

yeah i think he knew that it was his dog because he kept asking if romy was okay and he was really apologetic but she's fine and i'm fine so its all good now

Glad to hear :) How does it feel to have no exams left?

well i have to say it was pretty frightening, the other dog started bleeding so obviously romy retaliated with alot of anger. while i was holding her back she was still a bit stressed out so her teeth hit me in the shoulder but its just a little graze but i got alot of blood on me from the other dog

Ouch :/ was the owner of the other dog there?

well I woke up at 12 and then i watched wall-e. next I came up here to check facebook and ask.fm and then i took romy out but it was absolutely annoying because she got into a fight with this dog that attacked her and she made its mouth bleed and i had to break it up and then i got blood on myself

Making the most of lie ins then? :P I never made it through wall-e I got bored when I tried to watch it before. Are you and her okay?

what have you been up to today then?

Well today I've done a mock 2 1/2 hr paper for Additional Maths, which I just finished (at last) and now I'm dogsitting :) Have you come to rescue me from my boredom? ;) What have you done today?

I'm off now so Good night ;) :D :)

Good night for 11 hours ago! :D You are probably up my now though ;)

Perhaps something to relax you, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyjbNWf3htw Maybe something to feel good to, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hl3pdXatdI Or something random because it makes me laugh, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvJKsG7Npuc

Sorry I only just saw this! I love the relaxing one it's doing a great job of motivating me to do this revision! I'd never heard the second one before (but I probably will again now) Random is good :D are the films any good? Hehe for this concoction of tunes I recon you deserve a coveted point :P What can I do to repay you dear?

What final thing can I do to make sure you are warm before I leave you?

Hmmm I don't know ;) As a man of warmth what would be your recommendation?
Liked by: Funnypicturesz

Honestly I've only imagined passion but never truly felt it or did a passionate thing

I've only ever felt passionate during arguments or something like that, but never true passion for another human being, yet :)


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