
Amy Lovett✌

Ask @AmyLovett

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Some boy keeps trying to speak to me and the last time he spoke to me he called me a cutie and I rubbered it and now this time he's speaking to me again and called me beautiful but he's actually minging I don't speak to people cause of there looks but I'm already speaking to someone and he's horible

Oh god I know how you feel,if he's being like that just block him from everything you have him on,cause it would save a lot of hassle

Would you consider yourself a loyal friend? How do you earn people's loyalty?

slowly giving up on being loyal cause nobody's ever fucking loyalty me

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What would you most like to do if money were no object?

Rock back and forth in a corner and cry

I've just realised that the only person I can rely on is me family is a joke and friends are so two faced

fair enough,that's what I'm like tbh

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

feel up all the hot guys sorry not sorry

How can you tell a good person from a bad one?


The taxi was stuck in traffic and I couldnt hold it in don't think the driver was too pleased

hahaha fair enough

I peed in the taxi last night cause I was drunk oops

HAHAHA omg nice one! double checking who this is? :p

What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

Thank god I'm not at school for another week yasss

What was the best thing you ever found on the street?

in lochee? you having a laugh? think it's a miracle if you can walk ten steps without finding an empty bottle of alcohol or a jakeys needle

What is the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

my reflection in the mirror every morning

Omg same, and when somones like I'll call you or text you but don't im like bitch please still waiting on that text, but they can text other people

Oh my god I actually hate that , people hat do that are absolute knobs, or they don't text you but they're on Facebook or Twitter :/

I know, what is actaully the need in it, like fuck off man

I know! It's so rude! they started speaking to you, so don't see why hey don't reply

When people pop up and say hi, then you reply then they ignore you like wtf

omg I hate that as well, so annoying man


Language: English