
Andrea Hilton

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¿Qué letra de canción es la que más te gusta? ¡Compártela aquí!

Who’ll be my Montague now,
To this broken Capulet
How, how, how if not for you
And you’ll be my local hero
Be my role model
And don’t, don’t, don’t fail me now
(My love)
Don’t you wanna love,
Don’t you wanna love,
I’m your biggest fan
It’s so good to finally meet ya
I deserve a little more
Wouldn’t you say-oh, a-oh, a-oh
(My love)
Don’t you wanna love,
Don’t you want to
Don’t you think I deserve better after all that we’ve been through (love)
Don’t you wanna love (love)
Now what you say-oh, a-oh, a-oh
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
Toy soldiers
I will love you like goodbye
I will love you like you died, died
A martyr for me
(My love)
Don’t you want love
Don’t you want this
Don't you look so shocked
This was not the way I planned it
I deserve a little more
Wouldn’t you say-oh, a-oh, a-oh
(My love)
Don’t you want love,
Don’t you fight back
Know this will hurt less if you just submit so (love)
How bout a little gratitude
For what I say-oh, a-oh, a-oh
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
They don’t know you
Not like I do
Only you and I were meant to be
Understand you
Just like I do
Just like you and I were meant to be forever
One day you will
Learn to love me
One day you will
Thank me, you’ll see
If I can’t have you
No one can
Follow you like (toys)
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like (follow you like toys)
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow you like
To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiers
I’ll follow
Understand you
Just like I do
Just like you and I were meant to be
Don’t know you
Not like I do
Only you and I were meant to be
Understand you
Just like I do
Just like you and I were meant to be forever
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khkcAlhb6vIAndreaMcHilton’s Video 138327038450 khkcAlhb6vIAndreaMcHilton’s Video 138327038450 khkcAlhb6vI

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AndreaMcHilton’s Video 138327038450 khkcAlhb6vIAndreaMcHilton’s Video 138327038450 khkcAlhb6vI

¿Con quién te llevas mejor en este momento? ¿Con tu madre o con tu padre?

Jajaja los dos. Son bien chidos.

¿Te consideras espiritual o religioso/a de algún modo? Si es así, ¿cómo?

Porque tengo fe, por eso uwu

¿Cuales son tus planes ahora que haz vuelto a casa?

Dormir, descansar muchísimo, comer como nunca, ir a la playa, pasear, estar con mi familia y mi novio, y salir con mis amigo uwu <3

:v me caes bien ajaja me largo xD no la quiero cagar xD espro convivir algun dia con tigo xD unos botes :V

Unos botes, algo tranqui. Cundo quieras bro c:

si lo eres nadamas que tienes tu caracter pro jaajaja y suerte en los estudios :v

JAJAJAJAJA QUÉ TIENE MI CARÁCTER WUEY, soy buen pedo y super graciosa :ccc
Thx m8

¿Como te matarias a la verga? Hm, ¿Como seria la muerte perfecta a tu modo de ver?

La muerte perfecta es morirse dormido, a la pinche verga.

Si pudieras ser invisible e inaudible cuando aguantaras la respiración... Que es lo primero que harias?

Matarme a la verga.

It has begun already My new wand & Ludo in the Wild, released But I bet you already knew this, lmao


Star vs TFOE season two has started How do you feel about this?


Del 1 al 100. ¿Que tanto te importa el bienestar de los que te rodean y los que no?

50, sólo porque incluye a los que me importan.

¿Que piensas sobre tanto mame de Pokémon GO? Sobretodo aquellos que repentinamente se volvieron súper fanáticos de años

Me da risa. Pero lo único salvable son los momos.


Language: English