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Top 5 prettiest girls going into grade 9?;)

Going into grade 9? Idk too many. No order. Lainey, Averie, Hazy, Brynn, idk any one else really.

top 10 girls in ur grade in order pls

Shit. Fuck. Kylie, Gina, Josianne, Sage R, idk. Those four are in order. Than the other six are : Casey, Kastle, shit damn idk sorry :(
Liked by: Josianne Kylie Ralph

Angus your fucking awesome I want to party with you!

<3 <3 apparently it's Bryce's birthday tomorrow? Some sorta party I've heard. You gonna be there? Who Is this anyway!

answer yo questions bro we wanna know

I was just kicking serious ass on BO2 so I couldn't. Honesty why the fuck am I getting these questions, I ain't an expert in this shit. Don't get me wrong I'm liking the questions just not the most knowledgeable on the subject

you can fuck someone not being in a relationship? like rabbits? just fuck fucking fuck fuck and fuck

Haha yeah happens all the time. People have sex, it's an important part of life, get over it.
Liked by: bre

Why do boys expect a girl to fuck? Can't you have a teenage relationship without fuck?

Yeah like I said before it depends on what they are ready for and what they are looking for outta the relationship

Don't be so insecure about yourself! Girls like you, so don't be so hard on yourself! Don't try to change who you are to get girls! So your not the skinniest, so what! Girls will love you for you, and if they have a problem with it, their loss. :)

<3 made my day :) marry me?
Liked by: Kylie Ralph

If I date a guy who calls sex 'fuck' I don't even want to date him.

There's so many words for it I wouldn't get to stressed out. About it ahah

What do you think of wait till you get married thing? Do you believe in that or not? I've heard people say that

I've heard that, that's what my parents did, because of their religion. not really what I'm planning on doing haha. But I guess it's whatever people are down for.

How long do you need to be with somebody to fuck them

Depends on what the couple are ready for. And obviously you can fuck someone not being in a relationship too

So, what would you do if you were with a girl for 6 months and she still wasn't ready for the D? would you leave her?

Idk. It's hard to say. I'd have to be in that position to know.

Why do you think so little of yourself?

Idk. In the whole scheme of life, I ain't shit. And I guess I've just been blessed and cursed with having high standards in all parts of life

You know what makes life hard for girls? We think you always expect sex and can't just have a fun relationship. Is that true?

K, well according to the website I was just on, people used to think that men used to think about sex once every seven seconds. But apparently it's only like 19 sexual thoughts a day verses a woman's 10. So yes men think about sex more than women, but it obviously depends on the individual. So also some men expect sex and some don't. I honestly believe that to have a strong, healthy, loving relationship, sex needs to be involved, I mean it's natural. That being said I also believe that different individuals are ready for these kind of relationships at different ages and stages of there life. Just noting this as well, you're taking relationship advice from a guy who gets no girls, and sex advice from a virgin.


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