

Ask @AngusThaPimp

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why didnt u feel like you answered it?

I dunno. I ain't exactly the love guru. These questions are to intense for my lack of intellect

That's a decent answer on the love question

Thanks i didn't feel like I really answered the question though.

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Have you ever loved a girl or do you just screw around and just take what you can get

Idk. This is a hard question. There is defineitly girls that I've wanted to get into a real relationship with, but unfortunately They're not interested, cause when you're not the most attractive guy in the world it's a little bit more difficult to have high standards. Idk about actual love, cause first off I'm still young, and it's hard to experience love without a true growing relationship, and people argue that at our age we can't even comprehend love. Anyways I don't even feel like I answered this question properly. This reminds me of what I wrote for the Romeo and Juliet final English exam topic ahaha. Sorry for the essay

What do you think about Cody Thompson?

He's a pimp. Threw a mad dive off a 50 foot cliff the other day

Shey and river didn't do anything?

Are people seriously believing this shit? Man y'all stupid as shit

Are you and your brother close?Like I never see you do things together

The only thing me and Conrad do together is getting drunk..

Do you sometimes laugh at people. Like creeping their facebooks and twitter and instagram and just ROFL because they're so stupid.Like shitty videos and hairstyles and things that just embarrass themselves and you think WHAT THE HELLLLLLL????

Nah not really, ahaha I ain't to much of a social media creeper.

Do you sometimes feel like your life has no meaning and you already messed up

Nah I mean look at this picture, pretty much sums it up.
Liked by: Jake Thoma$


Language: English