

Ask @AngusThaPimp

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lol anytime she get's straight shitfaced and doesn't give a single fuck. or the chirp sesh her and true had on like the last day of school last year hahah


When he used to get straight obliterated all the time haha or crashing at his crib for opening day 2 years ago, or the backyard jib session a couple years back. but my favourite memory of Briel is easily the time he accidentally straight lined switch down SWF right into a fucking Chairlift pole HAHAHA


So many good memories. When me him and Chief Nasty got drunk last year on Christmas Eve and went snowmobiling hammered, or tons of fun times on the ski hill.
Liked by: River


Best memory is any time in art class last year where all she would do is brag and complain <3 or when her and Emily got really tanked at True's house and passed out in the road haha
Liked by: Josianne

Who or what was the shit to your sandy today

built a nice floaty booter today and ski patrol made us take it down :(


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