

Ask @AngusThaPimp

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You cover your feelings for breanne with Erin. We know you like breanne. Cute wheels on Facebook.

Wut. I like Erin. Don't you think if I liked Breanne I would have made a move when she liked me haha.

how do they care? your bro says he makes his own rules.

Honestly this isn't really your business. I mean I understand how it's interesting, but I don't think Imy parents or brother want me discussing this on ask.fm. Haha
Liked by: Conrad Hills

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Angus I'm not weird

BreanneWallach’s Profile Photobre
Oh no Breanne, These theories are completely normal....
"What if Pepsi cans are alive, and you're like drinking their insides, like when you crack it open, you're really cracking it's neck, AND THEY'RE ALL FEMALE AND THE POPPING SOUND IS THE SCREAMS OF THE CHILDREN IT WAS CARRYING"
"You don't think food screams when you eat it, but its at such a low frequency you can't hear it?"
"Do cats think in meows"
"Are we all reincarnations of ourselves, like was I once a Chinese peasant girl in 598BC?"
Liked by: Josianne

Weirdest person you know?

Easily Breanne. I think it would be in her best interest to go get tested and psychiatric treatment.


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