
Ashima Salaria

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Thoughts on Muslims dying in Palestine by Israel?

I always thought I was blessed to be born, in a free World. After seeing what's happening in Gaza, I'm having second thoughts now. Free country? (Keeping the India talk aside , TBH) Is Pakistan really the free country ? How can you call a country free when they can't use their own armies and resources without getting approvals and permissions from their masters, America and Israel? They are free yet slaves. They are Independent people yet are not. Where is the 'Prime Minister' of twitter and facebook, Imran Khan, now? Where is Tahir ul Qadri now? Where is the 'beloved' Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef now? I had respect for Imran Khan, Tahir ul Qadri and Nawaz Shareef, but then again, respect is earned, not bought with huge roads and metro buses or intimidating/persuasive speeches and making fun of other political parties or calling on people from all over Pakistan to protest in Blue Area, NO. They are as much culprits as those involved in the killing of innocents in Palestine. They didn't even have the balls to raise their voice, let alone sending in aid or troops or calling for a UN meeting. You know why? Because Pakistan won't be the obedient slave to America anymore. They love being loyal dogs. Letting their Muslim brothers die and doing nothing about it, isn't it extremism too? Where does Pakistan stand right now? "Dear people of Gaza, we are really selfish and heartless people, we can't even help our own countrymen, how do you expect us to help you?"
Never had I thought I'd be so ashamed to live ,to call my self a citizen of the world created in the name of Islam.
And to those saying that it's no use putting up statuses or answering on ask.fm and changing display pictures, how about you do something better first and then let us know if it works? We can't go out there holding guns and fight, but the least that we can do is create awareness and pray for them.

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i Am in love with you

Death is like an old friend pissed at you. It is strangely liberating, all the earthly shackles being tattered. Yet the thought of leaving your loved ones accompanies you.
Liked by: Deepak ♡ シ

A pic of yours in boxers ;) :*

I hope I look decent in the picture. My photographs at times can be potential weapons to render people comatose.

Yes you are not american . They are dick heads

But Lana says -
Your skin so golden brown
be young , be dope....be Proud

u act like ur American. It's kinda funny actually. But hun.. stop. It's not workin for ya(:

& my mom says that sometimes I act like Gawar Biharis.

We don't know each other, we hve never met, never even spoken, but your pic caught my eye and i ended up on your profile and let me tell you, you're so so beautiful, and you smile <3. You're just perfect, I wish i knew you. Well, this is probably kind of annoying but that's all i wanna say :)

Guitarmaniaç Shammi
Ok but why does your name has eyebrows ?


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