
Ashima Salaria

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don't say bitch pls to me, i am trying to warn uh,kyun iss duniyia meh sab esse hai, chenika,jashan,kiran,mehak these are main,ppl u should stay away from,, they will destroy u,, they maniplate people,and use them, they r ggang of misfits and vry dangerous,, bc mc,, pls love, don't make me force uh,

Fuck you, commie bastard. Suck my Dick!

plez stay away from kiran, chenika, mehak, naveen,manav and jashan, these people r gud in stdies and famous, but,they will destroy,u they are gang of idiots and basturds, they do their bad work and get away cleanly, pls pls pls love do as i say, specially kiran,mehak and jashan, stay away,from them,

Kiran - this soft-hearted person has always helped me academics . I irritate him a lot still he bears the torture without any inconvience. I patiently listens to me during our long calls . He has seen me at my worst ( my panic mode during exams ).
Chenika - She is my partner in short attendence . She is amazing inside out . She is hella polite to me & only comes to school with me . Handling problems is so easy with her.
Mehak - mehak <3 I will never pass my maths exam without her . Hahahahaha ok so she is so gentle and sweet I cannot even think of her cheating on me . She just CANT.
Naveen - My day in school would be incomplete if I dont get a good morning dose from him . Lectures are so boring without him.
Manav - oh please ! We fight a lot cuz he annoys me . BUT , this jerk entertains me . How
can he you even call him a bastard . He's such a sweet ass.
Jashan - oh my gawwwddd ! He'S THE BEST . This selfless techno-freak keeps me updated about EVERYTHING. I hardly go to school then also I know everything . WHY ?
Cuz Jashan :D

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Language: English