
Audi Khalid

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Audi Khalid

How did you spend your night without your house keys?

I managed to get a spare set of keys. It's all good now.

Ambition will bring you to places & give u experiences u could otherwise never have gotten. Ur mentor is a great example of this. He was obv driven when he was younger and so he couldn't stand an idle life. If you want to lepak ur 20s away, 1 day u gna look back & realise u wasted ur life away

I dare say I am far from being 'lepak' my adult life so far. Excuse me, sir.
I was instead making a point how 'ambition' is not necessarily material-wealth.

Build in your 20s, achieve in your 30s, enjoy in your 40s. 1 important aspect of true inner peace is a sense of accomplishment, knowing tt u at least, tried ur best to achieve everything u set out to do. Live a life worth remembering. Aiming for contentment' in your 20s will lead to a mediocre life

Yes my sentiments as well. This is a very good condensation.

I was expecting something more career oriented... Like becoming an established film director or smth. Contentment is easy to attain, just have low expectations...

One of the things I've learned from rubbing shoulders with many older (or successful) people is that to be truly at peace with oneself is true wealth, and so difficult to obtain. One of my mentor is a multi-millionaire. Single, all the money he'll ever need, lives simply. He retired at the young age of 50, accomplished. He went straight back to work after a short while. Unproductivity was killing him, and all the accolades and accomplishments don't bring you anything if your life has no meaning or purpose.
So I believe it goes deeper than social status, and one must look within oneself. To me, success is contentment. Fully at peace. How many people can truly say they are at peace?
Contentment is very subjective, dependent on the bias of a person. I have my own life standards. Lowering my expectations is just compromising.
Be an acclaimed film director. Okay. Let's do it. Many years later I achieve it. Okay. So what? What now? It's good to have, but then what? Praises. Compliments. Then what? So what? Nothing. It doesn't guarantee me anything.
I'm more interested in the internal than the external.

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Liked by: Sunny Low

Lol 'contentment'... You really are not ambitious

Haha. Were you expecting some more material-based, like a villa in the Bahamas?
I'm not in pursuit of material wealth.

hi audi, for pinkdot are we supposed to register or get tickets or we can just come?

It is an open all-access free event. Just wander in to Hong Lim Park.
Liked by: Sunny Low

Since ambition is such an important character trait to you, would you consider yourself ambitious?

Haha. I like to believe I'm sorely lacking in ambition.

specifics on personality and character?

Thirst for knowledge, ambition, humility and empathy.
Of course, a touch of decorum would be highly attractive too.
Liked by: Sunny Low

What makes you interested in a person? [apart from physicality of course]

This has been answered countless times.
Personality and character.
Liked by: Brown monkey


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