
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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Audi Audi, today's crescent looks quite nice can you help to take a picture with your dslr? My phone camera can't do it justice :(

Here you go.

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What do u think about St Regis hotel? :-) So what does the D&G light blue card do? Do you like get free perfume?

Shawn Wong
The hotel is too... luxurious... for me. I don't like it.
The pass is actually my media pass. Allows me to go anywhere in regards to this event.

Do all sg gays know each other? It's like you guys have this interconnected network. Or does this only apply to the ones with a large following on social media?

I don't know, but safe to say whichever party we go to, we know at least a handful of people.
Liked by: Sunny Low

Wow prompt reply 😊 is it too personal if I ask why you ended your business?

Simple. I wasn't making money. Went in with zero sense of business. I started seeing my friends working far less hours for more, with stability and savings. So maybe I was doing this the wrong way.
I'm doing way way much better now, balancing everything.
Liked by: Kar Hing Sunny Low

I have to say that this modular idea that Singapore adopts is quite good, and if I'm not wrong it's similar to what Paris has to offer like small centres where people can easily commute via walking or bicycle :) it's pretty cool maybe I'll work in URA

If you have keen interest for it, go for it. :)

Omg when is the next play event after Halloween? Always so coincidental I can't make it

So far no plans, but two big dates are Christmas and NYE. Either one. I tend to bank on pushing for NYE and ignoring Christmas.
Liked by: Sunny Low

You've mentioned that as we progresss, gay people have a lesser need to be directly associated with stereotypically flamboyant attributes, jobs, districts etc. And I find this to be very accurate. Here in malaysia, the malay gay scene has yet to grow out of this subculture-it lingers on.

Liked by: Sunny Low

What is more important - to be loved or to fall in love?

Fall in love. Because it really extends the depth of what one can experience in life.
But you know, things won't always work out. But nevermind. Let it pass. That's just the way it is. You simply repeat it. Different persons. Different adventures.
Liked by: Sunny Low Brian Ee

OMG you make me wanna play that game also. Should I buy? Tempting sia. I watched you live-stream your road creation. In the end, did you put into Steam workshop?


Haha so cute that you checked Singapore's urban planning for you city, brilliant idea 😄

Cities:Skylines made me notice the way roads are laid out and why. I think I spend more time thinking about traffic, how roads connect with each other, than actually building and beautifying a city.
Singapore's urban planning adopts a 'hub mentality', where it's basically one central area that connect with another central area, and this central hub area serves one entire town/district (shopping, work, homes) I mean, it's pretty obvious once you have this knowledge, but not so much when you don't actually look further into in detail. Example in Yishun, you have the industrial districts at the back of the town, the central shopping mall, and then within that you have mini low-density areas like your market hubs for residents to buy basic needs. It's pretty modular.
Man, this game is great. Adopted this Singapore plan within the game, and I have very few traffic problems, and everyone is happy getting what they want.

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Liked by: !ZHENGXIANG! Keith


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