
Audi Khalid

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Saw your shot on the burger. Discounting after effects in the digital dept, how to you capture a juicy and succulent burger without it turning off and coming apart?

Shawn Wong
Gloss it with some oil and a brush.
Liked by: andrewzchan Kris

Why do you like the west more than the east?

Yes. East is a mess. West is more organised, obviously because it's a later development. East is built upon colonial Singapore.

Was looking at the photos of the wonderful P suite of Royal Pickering...So nice, makes me want to earn money to host this kinda party.It seems there's a white dress code for the bd celebration. I was wondering why is there a need for a smoking card? Cant ppl just go down and smoke without card?

Shawn Wong
You need a card to take the lift up to the rooms. Standard in most hotels now.

what if people hang out with you in clubs only because you "open bottle"?

I've been here for more than 5 years, I can tell, I know how it works.
It's really simple. Stay with your bottle. Don't give. You can stand there all night long looking at me and I won't feel one bit obligated to present you a drink (unless I really like you). And if I think it's getting too annoying, I just keep the bottle. Sorry kids, keeping your toys.
Besides, I tend to share the cost anyway, so I don't lose much, and the ones sharing would more often than not be also more protective of where it goes because their money is on the line.
When I do buy a bottle, I limit my table to just one or two people, and they're always very close friends.

Going to tantric anytime next week?

Unlikely. I've spent 1k just on drinks the past two months, have three bottles under my name at three different clubs, I think it's time to let it rest and save cash for the end of the year.

did you get alienated from past friends when you came out? i am afraid because i have a "brotherhood" with a group of close guy friends and i do everything a straight guy does with his other straight friends, including talking about girls. so.... what are you opinions on this?

And what's wrong with what you have?

I notice that eyebrows are really important for a guy. Sadly mine in barely visible. Do you use eyebrow pencils? And if so, what brand?

Yes. Some cheap $12 one from Sasa.
Don't buy black. Grey is more natural-looking.

If you had to choose between someone who has bad skin but doesn't bother covering them up, and someone who chooses to do so, who would you choose?

Don't know. Wear make up on selected occasions. That's self-respect.
But otherwise, I don't give a damn.
Unless it's oozing with pus then yeah that's going to be a problem.

by my race and my effeminacy. There's only been 2 guys that have liked me and they were both bisexuals. They liked me cause I had a twink thing in me. Other than that, I have been ignored, blocked or only asked for sex. This has really affected my self esteem. Give me your two cents worth Audi.

You know, I know it's easier said than done. I went through that. Had my own insecurities. You know what? I told myself off. "Buck up or shut the fuck up." But I understand tough love isn't for everyone, and I tend to do that to my friends. So forgive me if I am blunt.
When you have insecurities about your race, ask yourself why? Is it because you feel like your race is inferior? Is this a matter of internal racism?
When you have insecurities about your effeminacy, ask yourself why? Is it because you feel like less of man makes you less valuable as a person, that you're pegging yourself to some arbitrary yardstick of society?
You know what, who cares. You are who you are. Own that. That is you. Be comfortable with who you are, maybe people will start seeing you beyond just another sexual desire. And that's what I realized. There's a certain realization when people stop asking you for sex from the start, and start asking you for opinions, even if they don't know you. Reach that.
Remember, when you barely have some respect for yourself, nobody else would respect you. So love yourself, accept yourself, be proud of yourself. If you can't do that, then don't bother whining about another person's opinion of you.
Your priority now should be about getting life together again. 25, not young, not old, still at that age of building a career. So don't feel like you're lagging. But don't just sit on it either. Rebuild your life, don't be distracted by what people see you as. What do you see yourself as, 5 years later? Work on that. Your character, your profession, your confidence. Don't be distracted.

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Liked by: Aiden Sunny Low

Hey Audi. Saw your interview on dearstraightpeople.com and got myself here. Thought of hearing your opinion. I have always felt insecured about myself since young and it has carried on until today where I'm 25 years old and an unemployed graduate. My insecurities is further pulled down ... continued



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