
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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How about better on my lap as chair ;) haha joking. Your style of humour isn't really awkward what. Are you like intending to post these stories online or compile them and publish a book of short stories?

No. I don't have the time. But I do relate these stories to people, some community heads, just spread awareness.

sometimes i hook up because i'm bored and then i regret it but then i don't really stop doing it. thoughts? - 21yo gay guy

Frankly, as long as it's mutual, safe, and respectful, who cares. But you should sit down and reflect why you feel regretful, and what sort of issue it is. Could it be religious? A moral conflict? Then see whether you can reconcile with your behaviour. If you cannot, still feel bad, then don't do it.

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i saw thay your article had over 1k shares and i really wanna see what people captioned your article with.... like what was their response and all. is there a way to see this?

Go to my Facebook page, click on 'shares' under the post itself.
So far has been overwhelmingly positive. I'm surprised too.
Liked by: jongoh Sunny Low

I'm the guy from the previous question, just curious...whats your MBTI? I find it interesting how similar we are after reading that article. I'm not knockin it but I know the online ones can be a little sketchy but its a decent gauge I guess. INFP over here ;)


I literally had almost the same experience as you.When reading the article, I was thinking to myself like dafug is this my life story. Btw, I just graduated from NP,FMS like you and turned agnostic after discovering myself and my purpose. Also I love shittons of gaming too. Whats the group?I want in

Hahahaha! Hello fellow FMS person! Another guy who messaged me described it perfectly. We all have similar stories and experiences. Same script, different cast. Like Channel 8 dramas.
The Steam Group is Gaymers.SG. It's not very active the last couple weeks cause I've been busy, but I'll be getting back on working on it soon.
Liked by: Sunny Low

Are you going to any clubs/pubs in the near future? If yes, when and where? I wanna stalk you :P

I'm actually going to Outbar and Tantric tonight (19 Sept). See you.
I'm not dressed up though.

That story about your friends giving u a pillow and mattress is really heartwarming.....how to find people like that?

Shawn Wong
I don't know. I'm just lucky.

Nothing strange, just want to know your thoughts

There's nothing out of the ordinary for a straight man to be best friends with a gay man.

I sent you a d*ck pic once. You had a good laugh iirc and even told me you shared it with your friends 😏

Have to be more specific than that........

Hey man, just read your coming out story article and it was a great one! Lots of encouragement and supportive messages haha. All the best for your future ventures! - d*ck pic sender

Hey glad you found it entertaining. Thank you. :)
Now, live up to your name. 😏

Ah what stories were you intending to share? I like films but sometimes writing may be a better way to communicate across an idea or a story as it enables the reader the imagine and picture the scenes in their head. That's why some books are better off that way without being spined into movies

I figured writing was more immediate, easier to travel, compared to a film. Rather logical reason. Making a film would take months, maybe even a year.
I've a few stories. Generally the common ones like discovering sexuality, touching on the promiscuity in the scene, common issues, whatever. But of course with my own style of awkward humour. But no. I'm better on text than on the director's chair.

After knowing you from facebook for a while and reading your coming out story, I would say you're such an inspiration. I admire your bravery. Thank you for being you. Keep being awesome. - a gullible malay youth

Thank you. I wish you the best too.

No I disagree, an academic might not always be correct too and then it wouldn't be that fun a conversation if the other party is always right. It seems that you have a lot of on the ground experiences and stories which makes your perspectives special :)

Just enough experiences to start forming opinions. Haha. I started off wanting to collate stories to turn into a film. Abandoned all that, realised more can be done in a shorter time by writing.
Had so, so many film ideas. Got turned off by the idea of sourcing for dozens of thousands of dollars, jumping through censorship, and making a profit.

Wow, I was pretty impressed after reading your coming out story like the subsequent parts. Have to give you the respect for wanting to contribute back and helping the youths. Hope to have a conversation with you about social issues one day, your insights are really interesting 😄

Thank you. But of course, I'm not an academic, so my opinions can be way off.
Thanks for reading the article! It was fun.

I was reading the interview when I saw two words that made me laugh-'Flaming Unicorn'. Anyways sidetrack , how can there be rampant drug use in singapore when our officers are scanning our belongings and patrolling with dogs?

Shawn Wong
It's never hundred percent. They catch the big boys. The smaller timers, a bit more difficult.
Popular drugs here are ice, meth, and ecstasy.

When a large part of the drama, promiscuity is so entrenched in our culture - how do you feel about the possibility about ending up alone? Or do you feel it is enough to have friends and family. This is a question bolded with some assumptions but I'm curious on your take of the topic.

So close. I don't know how many people I've blocked here for saying something about me dying alone. Almost blocked you!
Bottom line is, really, that getting into relationship is a serious matter, and I always think, rethink, rethink again over and over about what entails. Frankly I cannot get over that feeling that relationships are inherently selfish, to have someone share in on my issues, who looks out for me. I think that's not needed. Don't focus on me, focus on yourself!
Do I want to take away much time from this person's life to spend it with me, when he could be out there doing better with his life? I cannot accept that yet.
As for companionship, I'm fine with having just friends. There are varying levels of intimacy between friends too. Dating is still and option, so I let that run as it wants too. Casual as per normal. But nothing serious. Been like that for years, and I'm fine with that. Not lonely at all.
Maybe I just don't see the need to be in a relationship, from an objective and logical point of view. Then again I do also wonder about all these people getting heartbroken on gaysgconfessions, seemingly putting relationships in the forefront of life goals. I don't get it. There are other things to focus on.

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how did the malays in sg go from majority to minority real quick?

Were Malays even the majority 200 years ago? I think not. 200 years ago we were still the same melting pot, mix of Malays, Europeans, Chinese, and Indians.
I just listened to a wonderful podcast by The History of Singapore , and it made note that during the 1930s, the inter-war years, Singapore saw an increase of Chinese immigrants into Malaya because of the rise in Communism. So you had teachers coming in, Indonesia adopting Communism, and I think they naturally flock to Singapore because we've always been a bit more of an open society when it comes to political ideas.
You can have a listen here. It's a good in-depth series, not tainted by the whitewashing of government agencies. https://soundcloud.com/historysg/episode5
The Facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/historysg?fref=ts

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on the other hand Singapore being a tiny country with no natural resources, don't you think it is imperative for the government to push Singapore into becoming a major trade/business/industrial hub? I mean if not for these that the govt pushed for? Sg could easily slip into oblivion?



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