
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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How much do you believe in horoscopes and does yours apply to you?

To a certain extent. I don't believe in daily horoscopes, nor horoscope compatibilities, but I do believe in the idea that we were all given a certain spiritual value that naturally governs us.
I'm an Aquarius, and many of my personality traits reflect that - erratic, fleeting, aloof, emotionally distant yet empathetic to humankind. But that's just as far as I would go when it comes to believing in it. These are the natural 'laws' given to me. Everything else is my own doing.
I actually wrote a longer reply on my view of spiritually, but decided it would have gone too large or an answer to reply with accuracy. Horoscopes are but one part of my larger view of "what all this means".

Do you wash your undies when you buy new ones or you wear straightaway?

Wear right away. Some find it gross, but man, that premium feeling!

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Are you more left-brain (analytical) or right-brain (creative) or balanced?

I used to be a left-brainer, then I noticed I started getting idealistic. Too idealistic, cooped up in this airy fleeting world. I had to learn how to ground myself and take more care following my erratic emotions.
Some of my artsy friends don't like me now cause they say I'm too rigid or systemic, analytical. I just think they're crazy.
But I think I tend to jump between the two quickly. You see a problem, you study it, then you use creativity to think of a solution. That can't be so bad, right?

When was the last time you picked up the newspaper to read?

A very long time. I get my news from feeds coming from the major newspapers in and out of Singapore though. Same shit different story.

What does your daily hygiene ritual consist of during and after showering?

During? The usual. Face wash. Pee in the shower. Body soap.
Then I blow dry my hair, put on leave-in conditioner and when I feel my skin is dry, some moisturizer. Rather simple, that's why my skin isn't as good as my friends'.

If you could take a dance class, which genre of music would you enjoy dancing to?

Jazz funk. I've been influenced greatly by my friends Ryan Ang and Andreas Chua from Limited Edition. It is always electrifying to see them perform, and their song selection is on point. I can NEVER do what they do, but I appreciate that genre. It's really amazing.

If you could shift house, where would you relocate to?

I don't know. Most probably my office. Has always been the case when I move out; either I'm back with the parents, or sleeping in the office.

What happened between you and your ex? How are you both still getting along?

I'm assuming Wymond?
I think it's pretty simple; we love each other.
He's a friend and a lover. And I never believed once that ex-partners cannot be friends after breaking up. It would mean the foundation of friendship, that all partnership should be built upon, is weak.
Despite all our squabbles, he's my friend. And I love him for who he is. Forgiveness, kindness. I am done being angry. And I'm thankful he and I happened regardless.

How come you use black and white filter for the past FIFTEEN of your Instagram pictures?

Usually towards Christmas I fall into this state of melancholy. It's a time of reflection for me. I stay away from crowds, keep more to myself.
It's a strange balance. It feels like I'm teetering on the verge of depression, despite everything else in my life going swell. But I know this feeling too well. It has no rhyme or reason to happen, but it does.
Monochromatic photos actually is my favorite medium cause I'm not distracted by colors. All I need to take into account is the light and dark. This is gonna sound way too artsy pretentious, but it does somewhat reflect what I feel now about the things around me. I'm in this viewing glass, detached, protected by this shell. Like being in a glass room. The sounds are muffled, you can hear the blood pulsing in your ears.
But I know come Christmas, I'll be back to the world of color. It's just a yearly psychological cycle.

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Do you talk with your parents?

Yeah I do. Sparingly. But they know what I'm doing since they know all my social media accounts.

Are you living with your parents?

My mom. My dad lives and work in KL. No they're no separated or anything. They visit each other often. Sister's out at her own condo after she got married.

What instructions do you give for haircut?

"Follow the line."
Hairdressers can tell what the previous person was cutting. Mine is pretty simple anyway. I shave the sides, leave the rest, or trim a little to get rid of split ends, or thin it if it's too thick.

You like sissy guys?

I'm okay with them. No reason to stay away from them. I only stay away from creeps and overly-dramatic personalities.

Why does Google autocomplete your full name with "jailed" suffix as first result?

I shot and acted in the 2010 film 'Haunted Changi'. The director and cast figured we should use some semblance to our real name, and I chose my character's name as 'Audi Khalis'.
Well the movie was a big viral hit, and our fake sites and Facebook pages that carried our screen name got popular then.
In the movie, my character goes to jail. So I'm stuck with that. I know, doesn't look that good, but it's a nice silly story that doesn't seem to affect any of my employment oppurtunities.
Go ahead and search for Audi Khalis on Facebook.

Hey man, still the 17yo guy. I'm still very confused, don't know what I look for in the circle and what I want in the future..

This is a question that you must sit back and reflect. Only you can truly answer your question.

Have you been bullied or been a bully in school?

I was both, actually. I used to be bullied when I was young. Classmates would pick on me because I was an easy target; I was quiet, nerdy, and simply put, a bit of a softy. I hung out in the library, and read nerdy books.
As I grew older I decided to make friends with my bullies. After all, if you can't beat them, join them, right?
I bribed them with hamburgers daily. I hung out with them even when they initially pushed me, shoved me around whenever I came close. I stuck around. Soon enough they did warm up to me. I started speaking up, joined them in their bullying. They liked my quick mouth. They hung out at my place a few times. We surfed porn together and played Playstation. I had a really good library of games then.
I remember we would pick on our classmate from Sri Lanka, calling him racist terms because of his skin color. His name was Rohit. We called him Roshit. I was 9 then. We had another girl we picked on, covering our noses every time she walked past. She was Indian and had BO. My grades dropped towards the end of grade school. I did try to befriend Rohit once, but I got bullied for that, so I turned my back on him just to 'fit in'. Peer pressure, I admit.
When I came to Singapore, I kept that bullish attitude. I would lock classmates into an arm twist, choke them and we all played wrestling in the field so I had a lot of fun times throwing and body slamming my friends onto the ground. I harassed my classmates physically. For some reason the girls, though annoyed by my stupid mouth, tend to have a soft spot for me.
Some time when I was 15/16, I got rid of the physical bullying but kept my spicy mouth going. I would call people names, make fun of others, until one day when I was playing paper airplanes, it hit a classmate from China. He crushed it and went back to his work. I called him a 'Stupid Chinaman'. Next thing you know, I had a group of mainland Chinese boys tailing me the whole day in school. They waited for me to be alone.
School ended, and I was jumped by them at the school bus stop. One of my good friends grabbed one in the throat immediately and separated me from them. He lectured them in Chinese, and when he was done, I got an earful by my friend. He pointed out how troublesome my mouth and constant harassment was and I could get hurt cause of it. I started changing after that.
Obviously I still keep my flair for spicy commentary these days.
I do tend to fall back into my bullish character every once in a while, especially when my temper starts flaring and can throw some rather hurtful, abusive remarks to friends or lovers. I feel really bad after. Sometimes I think about it and feel so disappointed with myself. Partly why I try so hard to keep my temper in check.

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If you could change one thing about Singapore right now, what would it be?

The auntie mindset. That gross sense of self-entitlement, the complaining, the incessant obsession with self-preservation and fear of throwing face. Stay in line, don't wander out of it. I hate that.

Have you experienced real snow before?

I have! Back when I was 10 or something, my family went on a trip to Istanbul. We moved off to Medina and Mecca and when we got back to Istanbul it was SNOWING! It was frozen hard all over the sidewalk and occasionally dirty with oil and grime from cars.
Another time I experienced snow was in New Zealand where my dad took little me up to the snow-capped mountains. It was just my family on top of that peak and a helicopter shuttle, throwing snowballs at each other. I haven't actually seen my mom actively playing since then, actually, as far as I can remember.

Any lesbian friends?

Yeah I've got a couple good lesbian friends from Outbar. They're really fun to shoot the crap with. Half my colleagues are lesbians too, and I work with lesbians for gay parties.


Language: English