
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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are you currently running on empty?

Haha! Sort of. I've only had coffee and biscuits this morning. Ran late for work, no time to make breakfast.
Liked by: Ziwei

What other perfume do you use other than bleu de chanel?

This other weird one by Banana Republic called Slate or something like that. It's light blue, smells fresh. I use that in the day. Chanel Bleu when it's time to party.

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If you're given a choice, to move out of your house, live alone in an apartment with no restrictions as of who you're bringing home, be at the peak of your career. The catch is that kinship is gonna be taken away from you.

I'd rather not move out. The alternative sounds like a horrible lonely life.

how come some gays are sassy like as if their sexuality influence their character? by sassy i mean the bad kind where they are cocky as hell!

I'm quite divided on my answer. For one, it can be a learned culture. It helps certain people to behave a certain way to be easily identifiable. Being sassy, bitchy, is one part of popular gay culture. It makes someone feel like they belong somewhere. Much like how some army officers turn into this jocked up meatheaded assholes to 'fit in' to perceived military officer culture.
Some things still confuse me as to whether they are learned or not, such as the American gay lisp. I read a few articles, watched a few videos and it seems like it can be a natural way of speaking for an individual.
(I'm assuming you really meant 'sassy' and not 'sissy')

do you wash your own clothes or your mom do it for you?

My mom.
I actually still can't figure out the logical process of washing clothes or operating a washing machine.
But I sure can cook good steak.

Where do you usually get your clothes from?

Topman, ASOS.
I don't actually by clothes often, and I use black t shirts almost everyday. A lot of the clothes I have actually belong to my dates/flings/lovers.

So it's not required by law that a Malay must be a Muslim in Singapore?

No. We are a secular country, not governed by Sharia Law.

Have you ever experienced any spiritual awakenings?

I wouldn't be so arrogant to believe I have had any. Though, the past few years I have felt a shift in consciousness not only within myself, but also the people around me.
This year I went through a huge shift. I believe things generally happen in cycles, and in order for things to change or undergo huge changes, destruction is necessary. Much like how farmers raze lands to ready a field for the next batch of crops. A meteor that destroys half of young earth on impact brings with it the basic building blocks of life. When something ends, the vacuum left behind begs to be occupied. Through the ashes springs consciousness.
I had to make big decisions this year in my personal life, something I've sorely left neglected. I spiraled into a bleak world of insanity. I made decisions that essentially broke my spirit and what I thought was part of my identity. Ending things was the theme. In some ways I believed my time was up. Past issues came up again, familiar instances folded into itself, it felt like I was on a loop and the rope was crossing all over itself. But I had to trust my belief in the natural order. I had to trust this will soon pass.
It did. I'm a happier person now, and I do feel my character has changed. It's easier to let things go. I feel less anger, less resentment. The people who have approached me lately generally seem to come with warm and sincere intentions. I dislike being around negativity. There's this feeling I haven't felt in a long while where my mind is connected to my body in a wholesome way, yet it sits in this ethereal state that extends into the sky. It sounds cooky, doesn't it?
I refuse to believe this is specific to me. Around the world I've been noticing some sort of paradigm shift, one where humility and kindness is the key word. I cannot say if it's a universal consciousness, or a deliberation created by man. Maybe we're all experiencing this together. I don't know.

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Liked by: Jaden

I don't really have gay friends. Do you think it's wise to go to gay bar alone? Would it be awkward if no one approaches me...... This is singapore, not in America where it's ok to go to a bar alone.

I don't see why one should always go to a bar accompanied. I find it liberating to be able to sit by the bar alone.
Being alone means you're not obligated to entertain anyone. Your doors are open for anyone to walk into your life. You can have random chats with strangers, whom some eventually become acquaintances. These are priceless opportunities for life experience.
Similarly being alone means you can shut your doors and enjoy time by your lonesome.
Learning how to speak with strangers would be one of the best skills you can have. And it doesn't cost you anything.

So technically you're not a Muslim anymore? What religion did you converted if you don't mind me asking.

I've been officially classified as 'agnostic' since 2008. This appears on government documents.
I did not convert to another religion. I believe in the idea of god, but not the ones described in Abrahamic scripture.
I refuse to believe god can be understood by mere mankind, that god's likes and dislikes are so human-like. The 'god' out there is beyond our understanding.
The closest to religion you can appoint on me is Buddhism, or more accurately, Buddhist philosophy. And no, this isn't the Chinese Buddhism most Buddhist Singaporeans subscribe to.


Language: English