
Bailey Whittaker

Ask @BaileyWhittaker

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Wow. This article is so ignorant and inaccurate that it hurt to read it.
- all essential nutrients are found in plants, vitamin b12 is injected into animals and people eat the animals I just get my b12 directly. 80% of people regardless of what they eat are b12 deficient.
"Cholesterol is a crucial molecule in the body"
- if you're dumb enough to believe this then you probably already have clogged arteries. Do you seriously believe cholesterol is good for you? Your body naturally makes it, no cholesterol in a vegan diet, no clogged arteries, lowest risk of heart attack. Makes sense and there's science to prove it. "THERE ARE NO STUDIES SHOWING THAT VEGANISM IS BETTER THAN OTHER DIETS"
-AHAHAHA bro go read the China study, 80/10/10 diet, dr Neil Bernard's programme for reversing diabetes, prevent and reverse heart disease and the starch solution then get back to me and tell me I'm wrong, scientific evidence.
"there really isn't any evidence that meat, eggs, or animal-derived nutrients like saturated fat and cholesterol cause harm." -Did you not hear the world health organisation published a study that bacon gives you cancer and meat is carcinogenic.
"People who promote vegan diets should be more honest and not use scare tactics and lies to make people feel guilty about eating animal foods"
- it's called facing reality love, I'm finding this really funny ? if you're stupid enough to believe that eating dead flesh is perfectly healthy then have fun with your clogged arteries sunny jim .
And one more thing: being vegan is more than just a diet. You eliminate all animal suffering and abuse from your life. Vegan for the animals, for the human beings, for the planet. Do more research and you'd find the positives of this lifestyle FAR out weigh the negatives. If there really are any negatives because there seriously is a lack of legit ones.

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