
Becky peacock

Ask @Bexta

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Suck my toe bitch :)) I hope up happy now u killed my chicken ://///////////

Ermm ok and chicken? Lmaooo

who d'ya like?

Im not writing who i like ,all over ask.fm for every nosey fucker to see LOL if you want to know just inbox me yeah

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If you could invent one thing to make your everyday life easier, what would it be?

A phone charger that is powered by batteries... Wouldnt need electricity then ahhhh!

1. fav colour 2. fav movie 3. fav song 4. fav band 5. why you so pretty 6. done anything illegal? 7. do you smoke? 8. age? 9. what would be your ideal job? 10. how are you today?

1)blue 2)avatar 3)loads 4)ndubz 5)lol i aint 6)maybe 7)nope 8)14 9)wanna be famous actress/singer 10) im ok :)

Opinion on Zahra, Molly,Sam Nd Ari

Zahra: amazing ,shes like hilarious ,she never fails to make me laugh or smile ,duno what id do without her ,shes my sister haha also good personality
Molly: shes so dopey haha but shes awesome and so hilarious ,omg she always makes me laugh loads, shes crazy and i couldnt live without her ,good personality
Sam: amazing ,hilarious ,crazy ,shes awesome ,pretty and i couldnt live without her ,shes classed as my unidenticle twin haha! Good personality
Ari: shes an awesome friend ,really funny ,glad were better friends,shes pretty and has a good personality
All close friends and i trust them all loads...:) :)

Opinion on hayley n,jyoti,elli L,callum v,Chloe t

Hayley: dont speak much ,but had a few memories and shes alright
Jyoti: awesome ,hilarious and kind and shes a close mate
Elli: funny but dont talk much anymore
Callum: dont talk much
Chloe: can be sad but ive known her for ages and shes alright

Opinion on tyrone,jordan m,jordan b,ari,megan h and becky w

Tyrone: dont really speak
Jordan m: can be funny but annoying
Jordan b: is ok... Always by me tho and its annoying
Ari: amazing friend ,awesome ,hilarious ,trustworthy and pretty
Megan aka chansce?
Becky: annoying when she spit gum at me and draws on my work but shes funny and pretty

hey becky ur so pretty and nice and funny, im a boy and i sorta like u as ur so down to earth and kind and hillarious ur a tomboy as well which turns me on. i guess theres no point liking you tho if u like a girl atm so u wouldnt be interested in me aha:( is there any boys u wud go out with doee?

For some reason ... I have the feeling this is fakeeee but erm theres a few boy i find good looking ect :P

opinion on jack g,jack j,reiss j,tom l,eve m,claudia j

Jack g: dont really speak
Jack j: funny
Reiss: good looking and erm yeah...
Tom: dont speak
Eve: dont speak
Claudia: bitch;) haha jokes... Shes funny ,pretty and awesome lol


Language: English