
Becky peacock

Ask @Bexta

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What would you change in this World?

Id change people ...
Because there is too many judgemental ,two faced bitches and dickheads these days
What is society now a days?? :o

What would be your ideal lifestyle?

be a singer / actress and have a big house
stay friends 5 of my closest friends
Be successful
Kill someone i duno tbh

What is one thing you want to do?

Atm i wanna run away and not come back ,never go school again or see anyone ... Just because ive wrecked my life already and some ither peoples lives so yeah i wanna just run away

U are a big bitch nd no1 likes ya so piss off Ur good for nothin

And i would piss off but i have no where to run too...

y are u alwayz depressed???

Well its fun and i enjoy it loads... No.
People being dicks 8---D
private stuff

What is the strangest dream you've ever had?

long story cut short... I was in hospital and dinosaurs werent extinct yet so i jumped out the hospital bed and ran around and saw a granny get eaten and all i did was laugh and run into the toilet and then i fell in a blackhole and i woke up cuz i thought i was actually falling lmao boo

What makes you feel like a boss?

When i say something and make people laugh
Or when i guess something and get it correct haha


Language: English