
Becky peacock

Ask @Bexta

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why do you and sam like each others shit on facebook all the time...........

Because its funny and we give each other loads of notifs ... Why does it concern you you stupid twat
Liked by: SW

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How do you greet your friends?

most I say heyy
a few I poke and then say whaaattttzzzzuuuppp
Some I jump on them haha

What is the very last thing you do before you settle in to fall asleep at night?

Tidy my bed ,get in it and Listen to music

LOL you cant even read properly. Dumbass

I can tell this is someone from my english and tbqh Idc ,i can read but I can read better in my head then out loud ... So stfu and stop calling me a dumbass u fucking prick

Think is people write shit and well say shot and I net being funny but how are they supposed to know about me

Theres just too many judgemental pricks out there :/
Liked by: Looool

Don't you think that all people do on ask is slag you of and take the piss out of you but then bum you of when they see you like nothing happened

Yeah tbh some people are twats ... Like piss you off and in person act like theyve done nothing ... Stupid d'heads


Language: English