
Becky peacock

Ask @Bexta

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How many sugars do you have in your tea or don't you like tea

Lol depends ... If my family ask then I say 2 but if im making my own tea I put 5/6 haha :P
Liked by: Looool

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have you ever had a day,where you just wanna crawl up in a ball and die,because nothing is going right for you&you feel depressed and feel like absolute shit&you just wanna piss off and leave everyone so you can start fresh&wont have to feel that way ever again?

Yep I always feel like that tbh when ever I get home I just lie on my floor and cry ... I wish I could just leave and see how people will feel without me in their lives and see if their lives are better without me. Sometimes I feel like shit because I feel like I dont belong in this world and I know I have amazing friends but I sometimes feel like they secretly hate me and I just wanna leave them to be happy ... Ive been told to die before loads cuz noone apparently likes me but ive stayed strong and the only place I cry now is in my bedroom and sometimes hidden beneath my smile.

If you had lots of money what would you do with it?

Buy my friends and family whatever they want and spend it all on them


Language: English