
Brandon Martine

Ask @BrandonMartinee

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i feel ofended. you dodnt list me as one of your girl bestfriends. DOES THR HAND SHAKE MEAN NOTHING TO TO YOU

I'm sorry, it won't happen again.

do u like northies?

I've never really talked to them. But, from what I've heard most of them are jerks.

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who are your girl best friends

Oh and Evelyn.

Say this out loud "My Dixie Wrecked"

Man your quite the funny man. I bet you get all the ladies with that line.

Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

Hmmm, I would prefer behind the camera because I am one hell of a photographer. And recorder. So behind the camera.

Who r ur best friends?

~Evelyn Duffmeister
~Tyler Harnden
~Dainet Leon
There's alot more. But I don't wanna list em' all.

Define love.

An inexplainable yet incredibly strong feeling for someone...Most people use the word "love" to get into someone else's pants. Love is overused in today's world, people say they love someone because of the way they look or their body. That isn't love. Love is when you can't do anything without thinking about that person, you always want to be with them. It's not that you want to have sex with them, you just want to spend time with them and you just want to hold them and never let go. Love can be fooling, you can think you're in love and it can lead to the most horrible feeling in the world. Also you can wait so long for someone, loving them, and waiting for them to love you back, but they don't return it for a long time and you spend years thinking and thinking and it tears you up inside but when that person realizes that they love you back it's a miracle. Love is a very strong word, don't overuse it.

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Would you rather live without TV or music?

Television because some music actually has a meaning to it and you can just relate to music more then you can relate to television. In my opinion.

What image do you have as your desktop background?

HAHA My desktop background says "Hello, I am your wallpaper (and I love you)"


Language: English