

Ask @BrightTegu

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Is the relationship between Ur'shal and Aleida the closet thing that an orc man and a human woman can get to a loving partnership?

Probably, yes.

Aside from Ogres, are there any other extremely ugly species that nevertheless produce exceptional halfbreeds when bred with orcs?

That all depends on your definition of ugly I suppose. There's few things as hideous as ogres, but there's other races out there in the world who make some good powerful halfbreeds, like minotaurs for example. You won't be finding any of those near you though, they're not native to the local climate.

>Wha? Isn't Aza'ra(?) like 16 or something? That's around the time orcs are considered adulthood, and I'm pretty sure Skor'oz Zik priests are generally less lustful than other orcs and more busy being hobos, and considering she hasn't had a mate/given birth yet, it's theoretically possible she's a V

Yeah, she's 16. and nope. She's quite sociable by Skor'oz Zik priest standards, so she's taken a few dicks in her time.

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Isyil would totally be willing to help us fight against dragons once she gets properly acquainted to her position, but what about her lamia? Are they loyal enough to her that they'd consider enemy dragons heretics, or what?

The lamia would most likely side with a dragon over Isyil if you convinced her to work against a dragon. Dragon worship is that ingrained in the cultists. You just have to rely on your clanmates to break the rest of them in.

>(Wha?) Is Aza'ra the that might be being referenced here in that comment about oldest orc in the clan and virginity? I think she might be technically older than Ku'zag. (Though the thought of her being a virgin is ridiculous. An orc woman that fine doesn't go unshagged for long)

Oh, right, Aza'ra.
No, she's taken a few dicks in her time.

(incredibly paranoid of a race of orc-like beings who grow from fungus, since it would immediately make them think of Mul'orog Grul.) Is unnatural fungus common in Abyssal manifestations of Mul'orog Grul?

Yeah, it's kind of his thing. As an orcish god, Mul'orog Grul encouraged his priests and warriors to consume various varieties of fungi which would numb pain, increase aggression and send them into a hallucinogenic frenzy for battle. That facet of his being carried over, in a way, to his Abyssal Lord persona, and Mul'orog Grul's presence is often linked with strange fungal growths.
I'm not sure if I actually mentioned it, though I'd meant to, but your clan burned out several caverns full of misshapen abyssal fungus growing near the Tongueripper camp, which the Tonguerippers had apparently been consuming. That was most likely the reason for their psychotic aggression and freakishly overmuscled appearance.

>(Regular ogres aren't amazing enough) Aside from Ylugri Witches, what would count as a non-regular ogre worth breeding with?

A particularly large, powerful and/or cunning ogre, which do exist (though many of the cunning ones feel the pull to dedicate themselves to Ylugri).

How long could an elf/orc halfbreed live the orc life if they dedicated themselves?

Couple hundred years if they were lucky.
Potentially forever if "dedicated themselves" included magical means to prolong their lifespan.

Wasn't http://ask.fm/BrightTegu/answer/134341727113 asking about "places" not "races"? As I read it that anon wanted to know about (specific?) areas Skor'oz Zik would prefer orcs to stay in. Presumably a balancing act between harsh conditions and actual enemies to fight/raid would have to be found.

Yeah, I misread it. Anywhere that survival is rough will do, from frozen wastelands to humid mangrove swamps full of poisonous creatures. Preferably where there are enemy tribes around to raid too.

Does the shaman name orc children or do children earn their names and are assumed to only be called blanks kid.

Shaman, parents, or just nicknames picked up from other orcs. Until they earn a name, they'll probably just get called blanks whelp, as you said.

So when exactly is a harem member considered "broken in". When they accept their new lifestyle/status is permanent? Isyil seems pleasant enough, but she's not "broken in" yet. But Izannia who seems a bit more brusque is?

When they are loyal.
Unlike communal slaves who tend to end up in a near-permanent jizzdrunk state, personal slaves tend to maintain more of their original personalities, so while Izannia has maintained her haughty attitude, she's still completely broken in and loyal to Ur.

>Pretty likely. So, Reaver Isles style ancestor worship is a definite possibility after Ur's death? Especially if he manages to ascend to godhood, I'd assume.

Absolutely, yes.

Does Hatchling Bond also work a harpy's orc halfbreed offspring? If so, that might have the potential to be quite useful with scouting operations.

It would do, yes.

(and she's part of a clan whose chieftain allows that sort of thing.) What circumstances would a chieftain disallow such an arrangement? Aside from that he suspects the orc female in question is being coerced in some fashion. Or that he just straight up dislikes her.

Or that he prefers to keep a stricter control over the clan's breeding. Not all chieftains are as laid back as Ur is.

While orcs aren't interested in intellectual pursuits for the most part, have there been orcs in the past that could be considered warrior scholars? The kind of orcs who could converse about any topic one could care to name due to being widely read and erudite, but who could still kick ass?

Sure, though most orcs lack the patience for it, orcs can definitely be scholars. In general educated orcs still tend to gravitate towards more "orcy" areas of study.

Then yeah jada should go to koz'rak since he seems like hes a weirdo like us in that he genuinely likes his breeding slaves

Well, he likes Eyeke anyway, he treats the rest more like normal slaves.

So Lokasi and Isyil are the only two members of our harem that satisfy the "woman who almost killed me" fetish, right? I know we fought Ya'zada and Ashuris tried to kill us, but neither of them really feel like they almost did us in or anything.

Yeah. Ya'zada you stayed on top through most of that fight, and Ashuris you ambushed and incapacitated before she had a chance to fight back.

>especially since you're in conflict with one dragon already, and may soon be in conflict with another. But it's okay if one slave worships another slave!

It's really up to all of you what dynamic Ur wishes to create. Just remember that lamia do worship dragons, and if they're not 100% broken in, they may well start causing trouble to aid any dragon you're in conflict with if you give them the chance.

How much time and energy would an orc have to put into devoting themselves to Y'zagya Zoka to earn enhanced regeneration boons? I'd imagine that most orcs would see the value of recovering faster from injury. (except for Skor'oz Zik followers, who'd tell you to just walk it off, you fucking sissy.)

Just got to live in a way she approves of for long enough and do things that she likes. There's no hard and fast rules for how much time and effort is required.

While the Stonetusk Clan suffers from a sizable gender imbalance of too many orc men and not enough orc women, have there been instances in history where a clan has had an excess of orc females and a shortage of orc males?

Sure, it happens. Such times are generally looked upon as good times by the males of the clan.

Would you say Aleida genuinely loves Ur'shal? Or does she view her relationship with him a little more pragmatically?

She's got a definite fondness and appreciation for him, though whether you could call it straight up love is a matter for debate.

Can a goblin mate and breed with a harpy? What kind of harpy results from such a mating if they can breed successfully?

Yes, it produces a regular harpy.

Ash alone time when? Did we give her, her jewelry yet?

You gave her one piece of jewelry you took from the jabberwocky's hoard, I think some people were talking about another piece in the future though.

Akiba's Trip... man, that game. Imagine if Jareth fought like that, ripping clothes off his opponents.

Akiba's Trip with Jareth would be kind of like playing with cheat codes on.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford


Language: English