

Ask @BrightTegu

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Wrong, it COULD end very, very badly. But it could also end very, very well.

Such is life when insane AIs and psychic powers are involved.
Eclipse Phase taught me that.

>crit success gave us the inexplicable to urge to "fix" the warp drive we spent years designing and installing in a way we don't understand >we just invented nigh instantaneous FTL travel Insane AI OP pls nerf

I can't say I feel particularly overpowered in Xenocide Quest.

Well if she cant read or write it's up to ur'shal to teach his girls how! "Oh thank you Ur'Sensei~" reading lessons for all the haremettes!

Just like my elven animes!

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>not wanting the mentally unsubtle newborn AI to have psychic powers >not installing secondary CPUs and more RAM, and having then run supercomputer-level calculations for us >not being a superior "life"form

It's like I hate fun or something!

You don't do crit rolls, right? Or if you do, then 1+20=auto success, or 20 right?

I do best of three, 1s and 20s don't really count for anything beyond being a particularly low or high roll.

>anon rolled a 100 for warping in Xenocide HYPE (I wish that we get psychic/psionic powers from this) (because being an AI with those is a really fucking cool idea) (maybe after some xenotech upgrades?)

>Wanting the mentally unstable robot to have psychic powers
That would end badly, very badly.

Wish this shit would have happened while we had a thread up, eh? Just imagine, being able to keep going for as long as you want, until it gets fixed. The sky is the limit, Orc Warlord Quest thread with 1000 replies

Sounds terrifying, maybe someday when I get given millions of pounds and can quit my job and devote my life to QMing.

After the other anon said that, I now picture K'zala sitting in Ur's lap as he tries to teach her how to read and write while at the same time learning some stuff himself, Sho'ka playing with something after being bored. reward D for K'zala

That's orcs for you, always being all kawaii and such.

Well, at least you'll get some free time, eh? Maybe go to sleep at a reasonable time, that's cool right? Or work on some pastebin stuff, that's a possibility. You know that TV series or other quest you wanted to catch up on? Perfect chance!

>go to sleep at a reasonable time
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying...

Just pictured a scene of Alieda sitting in Ur'shal's lap, teaching him to read common (if she knows it that is) as he teaches her what he knows of orcish. The cute scene and realization to Alieda that the chief tries to better himself with her is endearing. Also cocking for good grades.

She's from a mountain tribe, she can't read or write.

>No thread if can't start at 21:00 B-but w-what if moot fixes his shit at 21:01? Or 21:21? O-or 22:21? Wh-what if?!?!?!

Nope, if it's not fixed by 2100 UTC you're waiting until Tuesday.

Do we have texts and such in camp that we can use to become literate? Do orcs have their own text? Does Ur have a basic idea of writing too, or only reading?

You think Ku'zag has a few texts in amongst the clutter of his tent. Orcs do have their own written language, but it's not a particularly complicated one and draws heavily from stolen human and elven text to plug the gaps.
Ur's writing level is at about the same as his reading one, which is to say primary school level.

Hmm, that's just what I gathered from the Gro'uk/shaman fight, since the chief was dodging until he got the chance, and the shaman was constantly attacking. I assumed the fire god's response to trickery would be to overwhelm with brute power.

It would, although the shaman wasn't actually dedicated to the fire god, since he was a shaman not a priest, he just came from a clan which was very much aligned with his ways, and when you're an angry and none-too-imaginative young shaman with a chip on your shoulder, spamming fire seems like the way to go.
That said, yes, the fire god's followers have very much a mentality of solving complex schemes and subtle tricks by just smashing them to dust.

I forgot, did Kuz'rag teach us how to read?

Ur has a basic understanding of it, enough to puzzle it out (probably by sounding the words out out loud as he reads), but any complex texts are going to be beyond him.
Another thing you can look into learning if you wish.

Kul'zog Zor: "HIT HIM! HIT HIM AGAIN! HIT HIM HARDER!" Zol'gor Tor: "Consider the terrain. Gauge his strength. Find weak points. Conserve your power. Exploit openings. Bide your time, wait for your chance." That about right?

Not exactly, though Kul'zog Zor is far from subtle and expects his followers to be at the forefront of battle seeking glory.

If K'zala has elven blood, what's the likelihood of her having magical talent? How much higher than the average orc's? I assume what elves are generally better at is arcane magic.

She's more likely to have magical talent than the average orc, certainly, but you'd need to find her a tutor or some arcane books and scrolls (and teach her to read) to put it to the test. Also, yes, it's arcane magic that Elves and Sluagh have a special knack for.

So I guess orcish genetics is superior enough to not give a shit about a couple generations of incest.

Yeah, it takes a couple of generations before it starts having a negative impact.

Am I understanding it right that it's be okay for an orc parent to have children with their child?

Sure why not, orcs are pretty relaxed on most moral stuff. Of course a clan that just incestuously fucked each other rather than going out looking for new females would be seen a weak, but there's no shortage of orcs who've dicked a relative or two in their time.


No hype at all if I can't post the OP by 2100 UTC, thread will have to be canceled.
Here's hoping moot stops coding in all those trigger warnings by then, or whatever it is he's doing.

What is the biggest known harem a chief has ever had? Can we know if the chief actually partook of all of the harem members regularly?

Just a chief or any orc?
If just a chief, you don't know any specific examples, perhaps 20-30 on the highest end for a particularly successful chief of a large clan.
For some of the great kings of the Orcish Kingdom, or orcs of similar power and influence in other lands, their harems could reach upwards of several hundred.
As for whether they partook of all regularly, probably not all of them, most would have favored ones, but generally they'd try to ensure that all of their harem members were producing new children at least once every year (or two for races with longer pregnancies).

Where did the Goatfoot and Stormhowler clans get their names from?

The first just came about in recognition of the surefootedness of their clan, the stormhowlers trace their name back to a specific chieftain who in their history who's warcry was said to be so terrifying that it alone could cause his enemies to throw down their weapons and beg for mercy.

I assume K'zala was ghosting us during our travel to camp, what was Sho'ka doing? Playing with Crag Lions? Getting friendly with the new orc females? Talking with the Goatfoot hunters?

Yes, mainly the first one of those though.


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