

Ask @BrightTegu

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We should pick up those two minor clans. 30-60 extra orcs is better than using them as a picket fodder against the tongue rippers, because we'd be put about at the numbers advantage at that point. We can intimidate them easy enough, with the added come in as saviors against the encroaching tongues.

Gotta watch out for those encroaching tongues...

Eh, you know, I don't hate him, but he's pretty low level, I have to say. I liked the one with the wife "training"to lose weight, the Aria one, the stupid wife one, and probably a couple older ones, but he's not exactly a genius artist, is all.

Eh, I dunno, I judge a hentai artist's quality by how many boners their work gives me, and the artists I mentioned all do that very well.

>Mizuryu Kei&royal >not even a Hisasi, Shiwasu no Okina, RAITA, Yamatogawa, Amaterasou, Hyoucorou, Ohtomo Takuji, ShindoL, Takeda Hiromitsu, Meme50, Z-ton, Ootsuka Kotora, Clover, Oyari Ashito, Ichitaka, Katsurai Yoshiaki, Rocket Monkey, Henkuma, Karasu, or Asanagi Sanagi Torajirou is okay though.

Your power level is obviously higher than mine.
>Hating on Mizuryu Kei
I cannot hate the artist responsible for MC Gakuen.

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Anime Waifu wat do? Who is your favorite gal ever, and will we ever see a Mary sue little blue haired witch ahego on orc dick?

Well of course my anime waifu is the purest of all anime heroines, Asun- pffft, okay I can't even finish that one with a straight face.
You know, I don't think I've ever actually had an anime waifu.
As for if you'll ever see a Mary Sue little blue haired witch ahegoing on orc dick. Well if she's reduced to a drooling fucktoy she's not much of a mary sue is she?
Note that that isn't necessarily a no on me putting in someone decidedly mary sue-like for you to break, because the thought does amuse me. It was certainly satisfying at the end of that evil pathfinder campaign done by Fire Mountain or something, where the final boss was basically a classic example of a mary sue.

If an orc male can stave off infertility by leading a proper orcish life, can a female do the same thing? Are there different criteria for what constitutes a proper orcish for males and females?

Females can to, although it works less well for them since breeding starts to get a lot harder on their bodies as they get older, while it still remains pretty easy for an older male orc. Proper orcish lifestyle isn't all that different for males and females, living an active and violent lifestyle will do the trick.

Who are your top hentai artists?

Do you mean actual hentai artists, or like artists on hentaifoundry?
If you mean actual artists of hentai doujins, then Koyanagi Royal, Sanagi Torajirou and Mizuryu Kei.
If you mean hentaifoundry artists, then InCase, Nikraria, as well as some of the less over the top stuff by Sparrow, and some of the things by Rosselito/Studio Pirrate. I used to quite like Lucien too, but his stuff gets really samey after a while (probably because of all the tracing), and I don't much care for his newest work.

You're basing that NTR comment on MSQ, aren't you? I think one way to do bestiality withour outrage, is have Ur raid some remote community where they practice bestiality because religion and consider animals better, and convert them to the green D, then pastebin their life before the green D. netori

I'm basing it on how quickly /tg/ will cry NTR, and yes, MSQ can be a pretty good example of when /tg/ gets into that mindset.

Sar'zor wasn't interested in breeding? Wow, what a fucking weirdo he must of been.

Sar'zor, like a certain Clegane of Song of Fire and Ice fame, was an example of someone who in a civilized society would have been diagnosed with serious mental issues and securely sectioned for his own good, but in a brutal and warlike society had enough marketable skills to be respected (if respected from a distance).

Blatent Fetish Quest, were you around for "M'lady" and her magical hemipemis, and who did you like the most if so?

As I've mentioned before, I actually wrote two pieces of (very poor quality) fan smut for that quest. I'm almost ashamed to say which ones were mine, but if you find the ones about Max and her dad, and Max and her sub's mother, that was me.

Please no bestiality with our harem. If you must do a semicanon one, I guess I could deal with a what-if Ur not being chief, and Sho'ka eventually being bored enough to go for it, maybe roping in someone else too. I suggest clearly stating Ur would've been better in-story somehow if you do, though.

Eh, well this won't be a for a long time if it does happen, and I do have a couple of ideas which hopefully shouldn't enrage people.

Eh, I alright I can understand not liking bestiality with a female animal, but you at least like female humanoid-ish werepeople and such, right? Also, lycantrophy can mean full-on animal form, are you saying conquering that primal force over one's mind and body with the power of the dick isn't hot?

Well, I'm okay with things that fall on the not-furry levels of the furry scale, hence why powerful lycanthropes can have some slight animalistic features.

I just had a funny thought, of giving her to the sadist if he survives

If you meant Sar'zor, he rather lost his head.

I never said Banished was civil, anon. Bu even so, you have to admit that many times those oast mistakes are brought up, they are used with good intentions, and in fact they do sometimes bear relevance.

Well anyway, this isn't the place to argue about Banished Quest. I'll check it out in any case.

That anons lies about banish quest being civil, it is mostly civil until a risky choice wins and then some vocal anons start bitching and bring back past mistakes to try to make their point even though the situation is completely different, and they rush some sections, which repeats the cycle.

I recall from the few threads I've followed that Banished Quest's playerbase can get a tad heated.
Honestly though with quests isn't that just standard? I've been pretty lucky so far, but I've no doubt that sooner or later I'll spot Orc Warlord Quest's first true shitstorm on the horizon...

Man, these wiki articles are a mess, no explicit tatements anywhere. the UK section of animal pornography only mentions images, but if you want to write animal stuff safer, you could write the text without referring to animal parts, and I can type in the rest and post it for you, it's legal here.

Eh, I'll bear it in mind, though I still don't see much reason to include it in this quest. Male on animal bestiality holds zero interest for me, and female on animal would probably result in cries of ntr if I know /tg/ as well as I think I do!
Maybe I'll write a semi-canon pastebin thing someday.

I'm just asking since it's drawings/paintings/pictures of mohammed that are banned, not descriptions/text of him.

I think you may be right, it's still a bit of a grey area though.

How good are orcs at climbing trees?

Well, your orcs are okay at climbing over rocky and uneven ground, but as for climbing trees, no idea, most of your clan have never tried it before.

Do you also despise the overuse of these goddamn abbrevations, that all have to end with "Q"? I mean, I can kind of understand their use here because of the character limit, but you sometimes see those posted in response to questions which quest people are talking about.

It's going to get more redundant as time goes on because we're starting to find multiple quests with the same abbreviations.

I don't know if Banished system would work for gkq. It works by rolling 3d10s, the first three of which matter, depending in number who make dc 0=severe failure, 1=normal failure, 2=normal success, 3=severe success. Vys system gives a pool of points, X% of thatcan be used to improve rolls at a time.

Dunno, that could work, I'm going to try and look through all the stats again by next time, there were some things I didn't love about it when I put it into practice.

How far away are the forests? Do we know what they're like? Are trees a couple meters tall, or 50 meter giants? Impossible to even see through, or comfortably walkable?

The wasteland is a bit too rocky and uneven for you to see the jungle from where you are, you can make out some green on the horizon down where the goatfoots and stormhowlers are, but it's still a long trek.
As for the trees, they get pretty massive in the jungle, according to Ku'zag some of the elves even build whole settlements up them.
It is possible to walk through the jungle (though a sharp blade would be required to ease passage in many parts).


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