

Ask @BrightTegu

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>Looting the Abyss corrupted mutant orcs. Sure anon, sounds like a wonderful idea. And blessings probably aren't going to make up for dozens of dead warriors. The Abyss asshats need killing but they are also stoned out like crazy so we can wait until it wouldn't cause untenable amounts of casualties

That is of course provided they don't come looking for you first...

>That bycicle ratio. Personally, I'm thinking raid the elves a bit while they're still unprepared, showing the Stormhowlers and Goatfoots the benefits of not being retarded first hand, before going north for easier human raids and finding the mountain orcs to help against the dragon's mountain lair.

Well, you'll get your chance to plan your next move next thread.

>gains us nothing It seems to me that anon is forgetting that, in my opinion, Zul'orok Zhar would be damn happy if we wiped out a whole clan of corrupted orcs. And happy gods mean happy blessings. Also, they probably have weapons and shit, but that's not certain. Definitely have raw metals though.

Who knows, Zul'orok Zhar would certainly be happy about the Tonguerippers being wiped off the race of the mortal realm, that's for sure.

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>orckind stagnates and declines for 15 years >Ur gets to power >absorbs another clan within days >gains divine blessing >raids tombs, gets slaves >decides to go south, absorbs two clans bigger than his own who have been warring each other for 10 years, within a single day Damn, Ur gets shit done.

Of course absorbing them and keeping them from murdering each other over the coming weeks are two very different things.

War against abyss orcs would by necessety be a war to the knife though, wouldn't it? Can't really afford not to kill all that corrupted shit, so casualties should be high, which could leave us too weak to deal with the dragon. Better to leave the war that gains us nothing but a dead enemy for later.

A reasonable conclusion.

With the orcs north of them until now occupied, I suspect we should target the elves before they notice the change. Elves may have long-enough memories not to be entirely undefended, but sheer necessety probably caused a shift of resources. The new orcs don't know anything about elven defenses?

The Stormhowlers and the Goatfoots never really pushed into the jungle, they did a little hunting along the edge, but they were rather too preoccupied with their duel, so they don't know anything about elven defenses.

We just tripled yeah, but I'm pretty sure the Tonguerippers are still huge mutated drugged up Abyssal Lord worshipping monsters. Once we get some elves and the Skyhunters, I feel we'll be ready. Elves are good at magic, right? Even chocolate elves?

Not every elf is a magic user, but yes, elves do have a knack for magic, including chocolate elves.

You're not including the witches in that count? Also, assuming mated orcs don't use communal slaves, all female orcs find a male, and we take Rasha off bicycle duty, and we become Ya'zada's mate >(142-28)/(22-6 or so)=8,875 unmated male orc for every communal female slave We need to raid more women.

Oops, my mistake with the coven, add them onto that list.
>8,875 unmated male orcs for every communal female slave
Uh, what?

Just checking if I remember things correctly, but thethings we know about are: Wall in the east and abyss orcs in the west, neither we are ready for, jungle with chocolate elves to the south and in the north mountains with harpies, ogre tribe, humans, dragon+followers and mountain orcs?

Yes, although who knows if you have the numbers to take on the orcs to the west now, they were certainly too large for your clan before, but you just tripled in number.

What were the attitudes of the Stormhowlers when we arrived/won? >Kek, this little whelp thinks he's hot shit, heh, this will be fun >...holy shit did he just knock out Ya'zada with his bare hands!?!? Quite a bit of arousal mixed in for the females, and relief/jealousy for the males? plus respect?

I think you about summed it up, yes.
Surprise, respect, some jealousy, and no small amount of moistening loins among the Stormhowler females.

I imagine basicaly everyone in our clan cheered when we beat Ya'zada, but can you tell me how the witches and our mates reacted specifically? Our bros?

Sho'ka was looking pretty excited (in more ways than one).
K'zala was as quiet and restrained as ever, but she certainly looked happy.
Ashuris didn't really display any strong emotions, though you get the feeling she was probably relieved since she had no way of knowing what the Stormhowlers would do to her if you lost.
Zo'rok was cheering pretty loud, you know how much he loves watching a good fight, Dru'ak was less boisterous, but neither of them seemed all that surprised when you won, they both have a lot of faith in Ur's abilities.

So Ashuris had some lesbo action going for years, right? Was she still not as good as Sho'ka when they had some time to each other?

Well, Ashuris is pretty damned good at it, but then again considering the time your clan's females spent fooling around with each other because they were all stuck with lousy mates and kept away from the other males, Sho'ka's a pretty experienced rug muncher herself.

>>in the morning >>12:01 Well, I suppose you could have "taken a look" without answering any questions, so I can't really say you lied. Good job getting around that.

...so this is what it feels like to have a stalker.

So, how many clan members do we have now?

Finally went through all the threads and tallied it up. That took forever.
Can't really complain though, I should have been doing this as I went along.
Stonetusk Orcs - 143 males, 30 females, 23 children (14 male, 9 female), 3 harpy halfbreed eggs.
Stonetusk Slaves - 7 human males, 22 human females (2 too old for breeding), 4 ogre males, 1 ogre female, 6 human children (4 male, 2 female)
Prisoners - 7 human males (Slaagyr's zealots)

Do we get any respect/thumbs up from everyone's favorite milfgoddess for seeing to it the lady killer shaman *rimshot* had to step up and pay the piper?

He killed a few, Y'zagya Zoka reserves her ire for mass murderers of healthy females. Making him duel for it (which you had no way of knowing would kill him) isn't really enough to earn any extra favor.

While Dru'ak like them curvy, what are A'ska's preferences like? Does she like them big and musclebound like Dru'ak? Or, seeing as A'ska is more than twice Dru'ak's age, does she prefer her hard meat to be young and fresh? And how are As'ka and Dru'ak's slave girl getting along?

A'ska likes them young and strong, certainly, being stuck with the old chieftain all those years only made her lust for a younger mate stronger.
Their slave girl seems to be adjusting to her life, you've never spoken to her personally though, so you don't know all the details.

pre-Ur'shal, what were Ashuris's romantic plans. She hates other ogres and most are ugly. I doubt she'd want to fuck a giant because y'know, cursed her entire race. Really, orc husbando seems like her best option.

She didn't really have romantic plans, I mean unless you count the fact that the coven were fucking each other regularly.

Can you write a scene where some one gets bludgeon by an orc dick it doesn't even have to be smut it can be comedy or a weird fighting style(which is funny), also the thought came from a movie when it was used as a joke.

Uh... maybe.

How difficult would it be to move camp(either one) anyways? And how long would it take?

It would take a little time, it's not hard to bundle up all of your stuff and move, but getting the whole clan organized to do so and ensuring that your animals could be moved safely would be a bit harder.

What is our camps/tents made of? Bones of animals or trees for structure? Animal skin/fur, or maybe some actual textile for the flappy bits of the tent? What would be expected of our new members now, move to our old camp and expand it? I mean, we did put up fortifications there already, wuld b wastd

Animal bones for structure and animal hides for the tent material. Your new members would probably be too many to fit in the fortifications, though you could always just have them outside of it and keep the fortifications as an emergency fallback position.

Did my question about magic not go through? I was redoing the thing with the difference between divine and arcane magic, variety, combining them, origin, the Crones or whatever they're called. The kind of minor blessings one can expect from our gods, like fire control/resistance and such.

It did.
Didn't answer the minor blessings one though. Things like fire control/resistance, silent movement, fear effects, increased fertility, weather resistance, speaking to animals, that kind of thing.

Captain, the hype generators are at insufficient efficiency! We need a but more fuel to kick start the second phase reactions!

It feels weird answering this one after the thread has passed, but I will do so anyway!


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