

Ask @BrightTegu

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How many orc gods are out there? I'm not asking for spoilers just an answer so that once we find out about them all we don't have to worry about finding out about them.

Many. Don't expect to find them all.

Are there any races or individuals who can rival orcs in terms of sexual prowess?

Individuals, sure, there's some pretty skilled non-orc lovers out there, especially those following non-orcish gods of sex who grant boons of that nature. Entire races? No, orcs come out on top on that category.

How likely is it that all the members of the Stonetusk Clan will eventually end up being related to Ur'shal in some way?

Pretty likely.
If Genghis Khan can do it, why can't you?

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Can an orc woman forgo taking a mate and just declare herself free game and communal property for a month or so every year whenever she wants to get knocked up?

Sure, if she's into that and she's part of a clan whose chieftain allows that sort of thing.

On Altiya's Character sheet, she has favor for The Great Mother, Heavenly Song and Talons-From-Sky. What domains do these Harpy gods cover?

The Great Mother: Childbirth, parentage and leadership.
Heavenly Song: Music, trickery, inspiration.
Talons-From-Sky: Hunting, murder, the cycle of life and death.

Altiya has the spells Hatchling Bond, Sooth the Prey, Song of the False Path and Warmth of the Nest on her character sheet. What do these spells do?

Hatchling Bond allows her to locate any of her offspring no matter where they are. Sooth the Prey sends the targets into a soporific stupor as long as they can hear the caster's singing. Song of the False Path messes with the direction sense and memories of the listener to redirect them where the caster wants them to go. Warmth of the Nest creates ideal egg incubating conditions in any climate.

Since Altiya still has favor and divine spells, does this mean that the harpy gods don't really care if harpies become orc breeding slaves?

Seems that way so far, although who knows.

If we had a Y'zagya Zoka priestess who knew Strengthen the Fertile Body, would she be able to speed up the harpy egg laying process without the harpies wearing out?

To a degree, sure.

>implying you didn't spend yesterday having your pelvis crushed by a green chick I'm onto your tricks

It's a good pain.

Can goblins interbreed with other races besides orcs?

They can, although it rarely produces halfbreed offspring, and when it does they are sterile.

(The chart) Would this chart also be a fairly accurate representation of the queries and questions Ku'zag gets from the clan? (Being the wise man of a clan of barely educated psychopaths with extremely poor impulse control must be vexing.)

A very accurate representation, yes.

Now we just need the shaman's flowchart regarding the fuckability of non-living, hot things and we can answer 50% of all questions ourselves.

If only the clan could read, Ku'zag could just hand the flowchart out to all of you.

Do tensions rise in an orc clan if halfbreeds significantly outnumber pure blood orcs?

Sometimes, but in general many halfbreeds is seen as a good thing, since it means your clan is taking a lot of breeding slaves.

Could a non-orc ever be as good at boning as an orc if they dedicated themselves to being the best lover they could possibly be?

Sure, but orcs have all the natural advantages, and the best non-orc is always going to come up short (no pun intended) in comparison to the best orc.

Since AEQ is basically dead did you learn from its faults? Basically it had too many waifu and anon thought with their dick too much. I know the latter is a given and expected in this quest, but how will you handle the former?

Same way I'd always intended to.
A quest about an orc warlord conquering and amassing a harem was always going to have lots of waifus, the only way around it is that some will get less attention than others, and some will fade into the background completely.
This isn't really a thing that can be fixed, since it's a core part of the quest's concept.

Do we still owe Ya'zar a slave for the abyssal fight or Koz'rak a slave for helping wth the harpy ambush? Because one of them should get Jada if we haven't.

I believe you do still owe them, yes.

Would Ur'shal benefit from learning how to read and write? Or would learning to do so lead to the clan to thinking he's trying to be some kind of faggy elf scholar?

As long as Ur doesn't try to institute mandatory poetry reading sessions, he should be fine.
As for the benefits... well, for one he can send subtle and diplomatic messages to enemy leaders like "GIVE ME YOUR WIFE SO I CAN DICK HER, OR I'LL COME IN THERE AND DICK YOUR WIFE".
See, that right there's called 'negotiating'.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

Would Skor'oz Zik approve of island dwelling orc women diving for pearls?

Is... is that a euphemism for something?
Anyway, if not, then sure, it's an okay method of learning to hold your breath for longer so he'd like that, even if he didn't really see any purpose to gathering pearls.

What game did you give chuckles tbh? Looks like Watanabe was the character designer, is it on steam?

Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed. Truly the greatest literary masterpiece of our time.
I went onto Chuckles' steam wishlist to get him something as a wedding gift, and when I saw that there, I couldn't resist.

What made you decide to run a quest with what are, essentially, Hentai Orcs?

I dunno, because it's my fetish I guess.

If an orc woman took one for the team, as it were, and voluntarily got knocked up by an ogre to produce halfbreeds, would she gain favor, or at least a thumbs up, from Y'zagya Zoka?

As much as any other female bearing whelps for the clan. Regular ogres aren't amazing enough that they'd earn some special favor.


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