

Ask @BrightTegu

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Nah sorry about that, I was typing th as t on my phone and for some reasons it changed the word to be caps, also can we go hunting for delicious dark elves soon?

I believe that's on the cards, yes.

>which may well happen with Aleida and Inka Please at least show us them accepting the Ur dick, and some more characterization like you said would happen. I realize we'll have to learn Human for that, but still, we're working on it.

I didn't mean right away, I mean later if I start to feel like there's too many women in Ur's harem to juggle them all, then the least popular ones will start to fade into the background. Currently he has five women, maybe six if he takes on Ya'zada, that is far from too many for me to deal with, despite people's misgivings.

>tfw people like my write-in in MSQ It was worth it to make it shorter, Tongwen is great, I want her to keep being a good mother but also be our partner from time to time, we'll get rid of her stress.

I'm cool with us bringing the whole family into our cult sooner or later. Hell, maybe some free love will help Caleb learn not to be such an ass.

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I would have voted for Fucking her, if we got rid of one or both of our human SLAVES.

There a reason you capitalized that, anon?
As I said before, if some of Ur's women seem to be less popular than others, they'll start to fade into the background as the quest goes on, which may well happen with Aleida and Inka if it seems like people are getting bored with them.

The main reason we anons are not big fans of more girls, is because we know what happens when there are too many, and when one girl gets too much screen time, not many people can handle and juggle that many characters.

Well, I'm going to do what I can to keep them all juggled. It would be a damn shame if you all stopped taking more women for your harem before you even got across the wall.

Hello Lordy, did you have the idea about the redheaded brown tomboy saved somewhere else too, since hat ask got deleted? Other deleted ones are, I think, our first night after getting Y'zagya Zoka's blessing, and trying out Pia.

Yeah, it's all recorded for later.

Did you guys lose Scotland? I never paid any attention to that shit.

Neither do I, I just get a laugh out of it every time everyone gets all hyped up at the start of the season, then a few weeks later our team is coming home with their tails between their legs crying about india or australia or whoever kicking the crap out of them.

I think its funny how hard some people were trying to not fuck the female orc chieftan. Its like, damn man. This is a smut quest. Why would he introduce a sexually attractive female for us to not fuck. Its if you made that golem quest and didn't let us have a golem. For what purpose?

I must admit I never thought I'd see the day when /tg/ tried not to fuck a hot orc woman.

aw man. You must not have answered my question. Sorry if it was too presumptuous. :(

If it was the one about the percentages of google docs done, I just kind of got tired of being asked about them. They'll be done when they're done.
No worries though, I'm not mad.

Like, I am going on the assumption that ever named female npc is there for us to fuck. Sure, the initial six orc women were just options. But, you're introducing female characters with the preconceived notion that we very well may be fucking them at some point, right? Barring old orc hag witches.

It is kind of assumed, yes.
Your named allies will pick up more women of their own as they go along, but generally the plot-central ones are intended for Ur.

So what exactly can we expect from this Golem Knight quest? Is it set in the same world as orc warlord quest? Will there be another ask.fm made for Golem knight quest, or is it intended to be less detailed than orc warlord quest?

Different world. Depending on how well the thread goes I may well make an ask.fm for it too, because I am too OCD to make settings which aren't detailed.

So Ya'zada + Ashuris + Ur threesome when? Or better yet harem orgy when? Not even trying to hide my smut demands anymore ~

Alright, blatant smut demands noted.

When the ogre witches conducted the ritual sacrifice, what would have happened if we decided to curse the stormhowler chieftain? Would we have pissed off Zul'orok Zhar for using foreign magic to mess with a fellow orc, while gaining favor with Zol'gor Tor for being a sneaky bastard?

Pretty much, yes. Also the stormhowler shaman would have figured it out before too long, so you certainly wouldn't have gotten a duel.

Is it unusual for orc females to become mothers after they reach puberty but before they reach the age of adulthood at 14? Would a female lose standing in her clan for being a mother so young? Or do orcs generally not care if a female becomes a mother a little earlier than expected?

There would certainly be questions about whether she broke any of the rules I mentioned earlier, if not though she'd probably get little more than a slap on the wrist for it.

Did Zul'orok Zhar have warrior priests dedicated to his service, protecting orcs from the supernatural? Or was his priesthood more non-combative in nature, crafting weapons, armor and protective charms for orc warriors when they found themselves dealing with unnatural foes?

He had priests of both varieties, and some who did a little of both.

Wow 25 concepts! But just remember Ashuris is best waifu

Good luck staying loyal to your favorite waifu through all the others I've got planned.

Would an Orc ever willingly become a farmer? Or is farming considered shit boring drudgery, suited more for slaves than true orc warriors?

It's slave work, an Orc might oversee a farm's slaves (and even that might start to grate on the orc eventually), but that's it.

Since Y'zagya Zoka's blessings apply more to hunting and gathering rather than farming and agriculture, would gaining Skor'oz Zik's favor be more practical for a clan looking to get into farming to feed itself? A weather god sounds to me to be the one to talk to about favorable farming conditions.

Skor'oz Zik is too unreliable to be valuable for farming, he's the sort who would follow up a good year of farming with a two year drought because he thought his people were becoming soft.

I also like the idea of Ur suckling a pregnant Ash's big milky ogre tit as she straddles our big green cock. Also merry christmas Warlord I hope orc santa has given you a plethora of slaves.

Same to you, anon.
Your preferences have been noted.

>(He would fuck your waifu) Really? How very rude of him! Suffice to say, he would not be invited back when I hold my next cheese and wine tasting.

Good plan. Shunning an orc from high society parties is the best way to get revenge.

If you told an orc, regarding sexual prowess, that "it's not the meat, it's the motion," what would be his response?

He would fuck your waifu.

When Ur'shal gave Inca the green D, she begged him not to steal her soul. Has someone been filling her head with strange notions about Orcs? Or is there a grain of truth in her fear of having her soul stolen, since the repeated application of orc cock can change a woman's priorities in life?

Who knows, guess you'll have to ask her.

Seeing as Y'zagya Zoka is also the goddess of slavery as well as fertility, do her priestesses also have powers to ensure that slaves remain docile and compliant?

Indeed they do, though mostly it is expected that those spells will be a stopgap until the orcs can break them the proper way, so the spells come less effective with repeated usage.

Does orcish breast milk have the same addictive qualities as other orcish bodily fluids?

Yes, to non-orcs they are also slightly addictive.


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