

Ask @BrightTegu

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You're a young orc, about 13 years, a year away from adulthood. You have been frustrated lately because it seems that everyone in the clan is fucking except you. You can't use the slaves because that gets you a beating. You need to get your dick wet/your pussy filled. What are your options?

Find another orc in a similar situation to you and fuck them, or hope you can use a slave and get away with it without being found out.

Thanks Warlord, i've never had any attraction or interest in orcs, but now i see them in a new interesting light.

Glad to hear it. You are more than welcome, anon.

Is it safe to assume that when they have children they should be properly broken?

You're going to have to be more specific. I answer a lot of questions.

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What are Zki'yi and Ul'Kaza been up to? We haven't heard much about them up until now.

Both enjoying their new lives. Zik'yi's been joining in on some of the hunting, Ul'kaza is more camp-bound, and spends her time helping around camp and directing the slaves.

>(it's easy to relapse.) Seeing as there were quite a few slaves in the old orc kingdom, is there are good chance that there are a few former slaves turned milfy farmer's wives that would be willing to get reacquainted with orc dicks if we cross the wall?

Good question, it does stand to reason that there are still women beyond the wall who remember the orc dick.

When a non orc man or woman becomes addicted to orc pussy or cock, and are then forced to go cold turkey, what are the withdrawal symptoms like? Can a person eventually get over an addiction to orc loving?

Extreme mood swings coupled with hyperactive libido, how bad it gets and how long it goes on depends on how long they've been hooked on orc.
Eventually a person can get over it, although they should probably avoid being around orcs ever again because it's easy to relapse.

How does a male orc breed with a female giant? Even with an orc's impressive size and girth, that sounds like a "hotdog down a hallway" kind of scenario.

Giants range from about 12-20ft, and Giants are small for their size in the genital department, while orcs are big for theirs.
An orc isn't going to be stretching a giantish woman to breaking point like he does with more human-sized, but it's still a comfortable enough fit.

I continue to be impressed by the level of detail shown by your answers regarding the background and lore of this quest. How much of this detail has been prepared in advance prior to running this quest?

This setting has existed on a basic level in my brain for a long time, but I'll admit that some of the finer details are winged.

Can two orcs who are close friends, subject to the chieftain's approval, arrange to be the mates of each others children when they come of age? Can two males give each other their daughters as mates? Can two females agree to be the mate of the other's son?

Provided the chieftain approves all of the above scenarios, sure.

>(Punishing Clan mates for fucking Rasha, A 10 foot tall Red Headed monument to T&A that they probably have all fucked before.) Ehh... as long as no one dies due to inattention in the tomb, I don't mind if the orcs with Rasha do some spelunking of her depths. Ur'shal fucked in there, why can't they?

Well, wait and see.

What's the longest time that a female Elf has spent as a orc breeding slave?

Good question, for all you know it could have been thousands of years.
Ku'zag doesn't have any solid information on that though, sadly.

Could a sufficiently devoted Priest of Kul'zog Zor set himself on fire before a battle, and emerge completely unburnt afterward?

There are spells to burn with Kul'zog Zor's flames, so sure.

How do Orcish woman handle the birthing process? Does their physiology make the process less grueling than for other races? Or is forcing out three or more Orc sized babies, from even an orcish vagina, as painful as one would expect?

It's as hard a process as you're imagining, but if you have priestesses of Y'zagya Zoka on hand there are spells to ease it.
That said, Orcish women have an impressive tolerance for pain and heal quickly, like all orcs, so they can take it.

How're ya dealin' with 'em 'ere Chri'mas business, chief? Ya bein' wi' the fam'ly, or h've ya gots time to be thinkin' of 'em quests and pastebins you've got in the works?

No quest christmas day. As for the week after christmas, who knows, currently engaged in a big argument with my boss over holidays which may or may not result in me calling him a cunt and getting fired on monday, we'll see.
Whatever happens I will try to run one quest a week for the next two weeks, and get some pastebin and google docs stuff done if I get the free time.

What's Orcish wrestling like? Is it a formal and structured fighting style, or very improvisional and free form? And when orcish wrestlers compete against each other, are matches segregated by gender, or can male and female wrestlers compete against each other?

It comes in both varieties, orcs like to get drunk and just wrassle for fun, but there were certainly orcs who pursued wrestling as a true martial discipline with proper structure.
Generally matches are segregated by gender, though there have been a few female orc wrestlers who were strong enough to cross over that barrier.

If an Orc woman has an especially hot and fit mother, does she have to worry about her mother seducing her mates away from her?

It's probably happened before.
Of course with orcs being a warrior race, cheating on your mate or trying to steal someone else's away from them usually results in someone ending up dead.

I know that this will probably be addressed in the Google Docs setting info you're making, but what are Orc/Dwarf hybrids like? The obvious answer is that they're very short orcs who are none the less built like brick shit houses, but what other traits do they have that are useful to an orc clan?

Yes, shorter brick shithouses, they also have even better darkvision, a good sense of direction underground, and did I mention brick shithouses?
Orcs like them because they're good for fighting subterranean races who live in places too cramped for pureblooded orcs.

What usually happens to orcs that lose limbs, or are otherwise crippled in battle? And how is that poor bastard who lost his arm to the wraith's Frostbite Dagger holding up?

If they can be healed, they will be. If they are still healthy enough to fight, they will. If they have useful enough non-combat skills they will be relegated to carrying them out (and pitied for it). If they can no longer fight and have no useful skills beyond combat, they will be exiled.
Ku'zag had to amputate the arm. He's been in a pretty foul mood, and it's been all Ku'zag can do to keep him from throwing himself into hunts to prove himself before he's properly healed.

Yzagya Zoka's fertility blessings do not only apply to orcs and their breeding slaves, but the land itself can be blessed as well, right? If so, how fertile can lands blessed by Y'zagya Zoka's priestesses become? Are different terrains harder to bless than others?

Depending on the number of priestesses carrying out the ritual they can do amazing things. Y'zagya Zoka's blessings don't work so great for farmland and such, but causing a population boom in prey animals and uncultivated fruits, berries, nuts, that sort of thing, is certainly something that priestesses did regularly to improve favored hunting and gathering areas.
Yes, some terrain is harder to bless than others, the wastes will never be fertile, and the results of even a major blessing would be rather puny.

If an orc woman is raped, either by another orc or a member of another race, and is knocked up in the process, how would she (and the resulting whelps) be treated by her clan afterwards?

She would probably be viewed as weak, moreso if it was a non-orc who did the deed, until she could prove otherwise. Her whelps would have to work harder to prove themselves as well.

Have humans and elves ever tried to "civilize" orcs? You know, take in orphaned orc babies and whelps and try to teach them to be considerate, thoughtful and productive members of society? How well did that work that for them if they did?

Occasionally, and it can work to a degree, though orcs will always be more prone towards aggression and shows of dominance which prevents them from fully integrating.
Some human societies out there have had good results from carefully maintaining and breeding an orcish military caste (while ensuring that their human soldiers outnumber them enough to prevent them from getting funny ideas).

Seeing as how the other races most likely see orcs as nothing but vicious, extremely violent rape enthusiasts (and they're not entirely wrong in thinking that), were they right in trying to wipe out the orcs? Would the world be a better place without the orcs in it?

Well yes, from the perspective of the other races wiping out the orcs is really the only solution in the long run. Even if not all orcs are actively part of hordes looking to rape and conquer, the fact is that every orc has an urge both instinctive and cultural to conquer, dominate and eventually breed other races out of existence.
The end result if orcs aren't dealt with is that one day there will be nothing but orcs covering the whole world.
Or course orcs are far from the most evil things out there, and the orcish dick-apocalypse is certainly not the worse outcome possible for the world.

How were the orcs organized before the exile (ie what steps should we take to claim the title of Warchief?)?

Council of Clan Chieftains under the Orc Warlord (who was chieftain of the largest, strongest clan), who then named himself Orc King once he started actually holding territory rather than simply rampaging through it as a horde.

How does orcish smithing and metalwork compare to Elven and Dwarven work?

Orcish smithing and metalwork is solid, but it doesn't live up to the greatest Elven and Dwarven work, both those races just have more time to perfect their craft.
Which is why for the truly great work Orcs like to make use of captive elven and dwarven smiths to aid their work.


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