

Ask @BrightTegu

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Do orcs have a written language?

Yes, though since most written records didn't survive the flight into the wastes and most young orcs have other concerns than written language most of your clan can't read or write.
Ur'shal knows a bit from things Ku'zag taught him when he was younger, but he's far from literate.

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Have any of the a male humans stood out at all or are they all fairly boring

No-one particularly memorable, no. The warriors from the raid you took captive have some fight in them, though unfortunately they're too zealous to be any use to you. The human males you recovered from the ogress coven are a weak and cowardly lot in general.

Are there any giant goddesses?

Lurashia, Goddess of Winter and Sulharea, Goddess of the Storm are two examples of Giantish Goddesses, yes.

Since Alieda was in our tent when we were talking to Ashuris about her horror show of a life, did she manage to catch any of what was being said?

She probably grasped the general gist of it, yes.

Have mortal orcs ever managed to capture, enslave and breed with a divine servant?

Yes, the low level divine servants are no more powerful than many things from the mortal realm that orcs have claimed in the past, so there have certainly been orc warlords and kings who have taken one for their harem.
Now claiming one of the higher ranked divine servants of a deity, that's something that's the stuff of legends.

What would Y'zagya Zoka think of the situation with Inka? Does she not mind an orc who takes his time to size up a slave to figure out the best way to break them? Or would she be puzzled as to why Ur'shal hasn't just fucked her?

Y'zagya Zoka isn't a micromanager, she's cool with letting you do your own thing and handle the slaves your own way as long as you do breed them sooner or later.

Did Durna end up having a litter of divine half breeds with Zol'gor Tor during their time together? Or did either Zol'gor Tor or Durna make arrangements to prevent that from happening?

Zol'gor Tor certainly did knock her up, to hear the orcish telling of it, but she was recovered by the dwarven gods before she gave birth, and exactly what happened to her children is something that none of the gods involved have spoken of.

Aside from Rasha, who is generally accepted to be the best fuck out of the communal slaves?

A woman named Pia, she's a little on the plain side looks wise, but she's proven to make up for that in enthusiasm and technique.

Are there any orcs in the clan that appear to have taken an especially strong liking to Rasha? Are there any orcs that Rasha doesn't mind having between her legs? (Not that she'd admit it, of course.)

You can't say you've noticed any in particular, there's a few who spend more time with her than others, but for Rasha it's mostly been a blur of interchangeable orc dicks in quick succession.

SInce Rasha is exploring the necromancer's tomb with Orcs, I've got to ask: How likely is it that the orcs accompanying Rasha will get distracted and raid her womb instead of clearing out the place?

It's a possibility.

A question was asked in this ask.fm about whether or not the children of breeding slaves interact with their breeding slave parent. The answer was that they do but don't hold familial loyalty to them. What does this mean? They don't like them? Shun them? Are indifferent towards them?

Indifferent, they'll treat them just like any other slave.

Just had a look at he length of elven gestation...Over a year for orc/elf half breeds? Sounds like having elven breeding slaves are a super long term investment for a clan. Are first generation orc/elfs worth the effort?

They are stealthy, agile and have a natural predisposition towards magic, so many clans have considered them worth the effort in the past.

What do Harpies sound like when they sing? Is the sound pleasing to an orc?

Like a mix of a songbird and a very skilled human singer. The sound is most definitely pleasing to orcs and anyone else.

What's scarier: An orcish berzerker running towards you, swinging a sword as big as he is? Or an Orc hunter sneaking up behind you...and he has no pants?

I suppose that depends on what the hunter's intentions are.

Now I kind of wish I could see the shitstorm resulting from /tg/ having to let others impregnate and ahegao their girls regularly. On a somewhat related note, does the whole orc fluid addiction just addict them to orc in general or to a specific one and the rest has to be done with conditioning?

Orcs in general, it being a specific one is more of a psychological thing.

What are orcs like as parents? Given many children Orc mothers and fathers make in their lifetime together, they must have a lot of trouble keeping up with all of them while. Would I be right in saying that orc parents are well meaning but distant towards their children?

That about sums it up.

Eh, I don't know. I feel /tg/ would have fallen into Reverse Harem pretty quickly myself. We'll see when we inevitably get a female MC

Awfully quick to condemn Ur'shal to death, aren't you anon.

Well, I meant without the breeding part. Because Genderbent Ur'shal wouldn't have a dick. And uh, >/tg/ >sharing

Hence why girl Ur'shal would not work, because claiming all the women as her lesbian waifus and refusing to let them breed would result in a mutiny from her clan in pretty short order.

It was less of a request, more of a "To what extent can the blessings change people" question. I guess she likes Orc women with pussies and Orc men with dicks.

Yeah, pretty much.

I doubt the Clan would have much appreciated lesbianism

The clan is fine with lesbianism as long as all parties are still breeding as well.
Most of the females in your clan have enjoyed each others company in the past, which is hardly surprising given that the only orcs they were allowed to mingle with before you set them free was the former chieftain's inner circle of distant, uncaring and abusive mates, and each other.

Think Genderbent Ur'shal could have been blessed with a dick?

Nah, I'm keeping dickgirls out of this quest, not that I'm opposed to them, but it just doesn't feel like they fit in the setting I've created.

Hm. How would the story have gone with a Genderbent Ur'shal? What would she look like?

Curvy orcish musclegirl over 7ft in height.
As for how the story would have gone, well, very similar except that she would be grabbing plenty of strong males that took her fancy. Probably a fair number of females too, if I know /tg/. The difficulty would be that you wouldn't really be able to lead the clan as a warrior while you were carrying a litter, so it would require more timeskips or periods of less action-packed governing.


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