

Ask @BrightTegu

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Would human/orcxharpy result in more harpy traits than usua in harpy/orcs? Are female harpy/orcs more herpy-y than males?

Somewhat, yes. Female harpy/orcs are about the same in harpyish traits to male ones.

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Genderbent Ur'shal enjoying the Warlock coven in all of her holes at once

Genderbent Ur'shal would truly be a terrifying and insatiable force, no dick would be safe.
Or was that an actual smut request?

Ogretits muh waifu, plz make dakimakura insert

Clearly I must make an industry from this quest and produce body pillows for every single member of Ur'shal's harem.

How many times does an Orc usually go for during sex? How many does Ur'shal?

Orcs will generally go three or four times. Ur'shal, being the dick prodigy that he is can go more, especially since he got blessed by Y'zagya Zoka.

Well, they're larger than the average orc, but are the different as well?

Hoping they bear some resemblance to your favorite dragon dildo, eh anon?
Afraid that in the dick department, they are still orcish.

Suggestion: K'zala wakes up Ur'Shal slowly riding herself on him, having been jealous of Sho'ka and Ashuris for being so shapely, trying to get pregnant first.

Also noted.

Don't have any ideas directly associated with her. Having her star (minorly) in some of the other ones would be fun though. Like having her help Sho'ka with Ashuris

I shall bear that in mind.

How old is Aleida? Was she ever a mother already? Did she belong to the now defunct Cloud tribe or the Zephyrs?

Early thirties. You don't know if she was ever a mother but suspect she may have been. She was from the Owl Tribe, which is a tribe out to the east, apparently the witches brought her with them when they migrated further west to where they set up.

How about seeing Inka's first time from her perspective? Might be fun.

Maybe. Perhaps I'll do it from Ur'shal's perspective in the thread, then do a pastebin of it from Inka's perspective afterwards.

Seeing as Harpy's can only breed more harpies when impregnated by something besides an orc, would it be possible, without pissing off Y'zagya Zoka, to have captive harpies impregnated by male humans as kind of a captive breeding program, so our clan always some harpies to make half breeds?

If you were doing it to ensure more harpies to breed in the future then sure, it wouldn't piss off Y'zagya Zoka.

Would you consider having the MC shift to a female after Ur'shal kicks the bucket?

I would probably put Ur'shal's successor up to a vote, which may well include any female orcs I feel have enough support to be a possible candidate.

... Can we do that to make Half DragonxHumans?

Do what? You can't assume dragon form, but if you got a dragon and wanted to breed it with humans, there's no reason you couldn't.

Thought so. What benefits do Half-Dragon Children have anyway?

Large, powerful, long-lived, adept at magic, breath weapon, can fly to a limited degree.


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