

Ask @BrightTegu

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If we skinned a dragon, and then mated with an orc is that able to defeat the age cut-off since he's able to impregnate animals? Half-Dragon Orcs!

Not happening, if you want dragon/orc halfbreeds you're going to need to catch a dragon of your own.

More thinking along the lines of the reverse. He shifts into dragon and impregnates Orc women, so we can have Dragon Children.

Sadly dragon form is out. It only works for beasts, animals, unintelligent monsters, that sort of thing. Dragons are a tad too smart to fall under the effects of the spell.

So, if we Skinned a dragon...

Dragons are intelligent beings, so regular orcs can impregnate them. Generally they find it easier to do when said dragon is in humanoid form, but it's not like the alternative has never been attempted with younger, smaller dragons.

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Question: Can the animal guy-priest impregnate other animals he takes the form of?

Yes, but the offspring will just be regular animals, nothing special.

>Nothing with K'zala ;_;

She already got one pastebin addition, but I'm sure there can be more, feel free to suggest something you'd like to see involving her.

What's the smut backlog like

Dru'ak & A'ska
Zo'rok & Y'zoa
Making Ashuris pleasure Sho'ka
Koz'rak & Eyeke
Something about the clan's communal women
...and probably a few others I've forgotten that I'll have to go back over past threads to remind myself of.

Why did all the Clans split up after the whole Wall affair?

Most clans are actually just groups of refugees who stuck together, who took their clan name from the clan of whichever orc took charge.
As for why they split, too many competing egos who wanted to be in charge, but no-one strong enough to actually seize full control.

Do orc men and women who reach 60+ and are too old to father/bear children still like to fuck solely for recreation? Or does their sex drive leave them when get too old for breeding purposes?

It's not like a surefire thing that all orcs who hit 60 can no longer father/bear children. Some orc males in particular keep being capable of that until the day they die. It seems to be tied to how active and orc-like the orc's lifestyle is, those who stay strong and keep fighting stay sexually active, while those who let themselves slip tend to find their sex drive decreasing.

Do monogendered races (mostly thinking about harpies here, but who knows what others there are) still produce half orcs in a 50/50 ratio?

More like about 70/30 female/male.

Since Orcs love tattoos, have some orcs gone that one step further and gotten magical tattoos? I'd reckon that more than one follower of Zul'orok Zhar has some protective symbols inked into their skin.

Enchanted Tattoos were a very popular area for Orcish Sorcerers, and many didn't even consider you a true orcish master of arcane magic unless you could ink yourself and your clan up.

What gender ratio at birth do the sapient species (including orcs) have? Do half orcs always follow the orc ratio?

Mostly it's pretty even, dwarves have a slight lean towards male offspring, as do orcs, but it's almost 50/50.

They can't kill when there is a dick in their every orifice, 24/7.

Tactical genius. You're like some sort of orcish Sun Tzu, anon.

How hard would a human male have to fight before an orc female starts juicing up at the thought of having him knocking her up? Is it actually possible for a human to fight hard enough for that to happen? How about a goblin male?

Sure, every race in the world has some members badass enough to earn orcish respect / uncontrollable lust.

Are the kind of women who have the strength of will to resist the addictive effects of orc spunk, paradoxically, also the one's who make the best breeding slaves? Strong women bear stong litters after all...

The ultimate dicking paradox of orckind.

Is there anything with a reverse harem in this world?

Sure, it's a big world out there, powerful goblin, human, orc and giant women in certain cultures have all claimed harems for themselves.

What're Orc balls like? What're Ur'shal's balls like?

Big, heavy and hairy, and as you may have guessed from previous smut scenes, capable of storing large quantities of orcish jizz under high pressure.

Oh yeah! Was rereading the archives and i just recalled, Ashuris had a staff of bone and feathers when we interrupted their ritual. Do we still have it? Was she the only one with one? Do we know if its magical? Acts as a conduit for magic? A booster?

Acts as a booster, so far you've kept it under guard to prevent her from using it until you're sure she's loyal.

I'm pretty sure anything can be decked if you try hard enough.

It's funny because decked is outdated british slang for punched.

How many of our older orc warriors like Vor'Zal are past the point of being able to grant children? As cool as Vor'Zal is id hate to accidentally insult him by offering him a fertile mate.

Vor'zal and Ku'zag are both too old by far, Or'kaz and Juk'ruk are on the cusp, though you gave both of them a human slave already.

Has anyone ever tried to dick those spider things? We could be the first

Follow your horrible, horrible dreams anon.
Preferably by writing your own fapfic pastebin doc because they won't be happening in my quest.

Based on what we've seen with Eyeke's clutch, if we dont know already, what is the typical clutch of eggs of a harpy then? Do Harpy Eggs count as an intelligent being for the sacrifice? Cant make a sexy Ogretit's omelet without cracking a few eggs.

Typical clutch is 2-3 eggs. They don't count as intelligent beings until they hatch.

So I should expect they'll be slaves to Orc dick and bear our children like good little Fae? Whew, I thought they were going to kill us for a moment there.

That was exactly what I meant, yes.


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