

Ask @BrightTegu

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>Mfw I was the one who did all the Write-ins for the Bonny/Tongwen scene I love it when people appreciate my ideas.

Props to you, anon.

How is red ogretits doing?

Stubborn but slowly being worn down, she's definitely starting to enjoy it a little, and getting rather sleep deprived and exhausted too.

Have we gotten to talk to off screen the Harpy we have with us? How long is the gestation period on Harpy Orc eggs? She was called his precious thing but i dont know if its a possessive or loving thing.

You haven't spoken to her yet. Harpy Orc eggs apparently take about 3-4 months, the ones she's got have probably got another month in them.
As for the relationship between Koz'rak and Eyeke, from the protective way he treats her and the way she's always clinging to him, you suspect it's more than a simple master and slave relationship.

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How is the blonde Ogretits taking to orc servant life? Our friend seems to be treating her well enough, and she listens if complains while his mate ordered her around carrying that stuff before.

She's coming to terms with it, she certainly seems less rebellious than she was when she first arrived. Zo'rok and Y'zoa have been spending a lot of time sharing her, and it's definitely having an impact.

More smut please, this world needs more sacred orcish cuddling. Also, who is best girl in Modern for you? Jackie? Alma? Ellie? Ellie's a very quirky girl who tends to do things her own way, so i can see her trying to help Danny in that roundabout reverse cowgirl way.

I'm trying to keep my smut at reasonable levels so it doesn't take over the story, but rest assured there will be more in the future. Especially once I stop dealing with irl issues and have time for more pastebin stuff.
Best girl in modern would be... hmm... tough choice, I like all of them really. If I had to say absolute favorite so far though. Either Jackie or Tongwen.

Did any of our Ogre slaves fight back against the humans in the raid or were they just ignored? How has the other clanmates been treating the Ogre's besides seeming them as idiots?

One or two did, but the enemy force went out of its way to avoid your slaves. As for how your orcs are dealing with the ogres, very carefully, ogres are somewhat unstable by nature, and while they are mostly under control, there's always a slight danger of one losing their shit over something and lashing out.

What was your opinion of Ellie before and now? Do we punish her or just reprimand her?

Get all the details from her first, then decide.

Can we tame the clones?

No, newborn trolls take several decades to grow to adulthood and during that time they are completely savage and impossible to tame.

No, but he could tell she was absolutely terrified. Which could lead to inquiry which in turn could lead to "having sex on her grounds"

If people want to do it that way, sure, it could.

Are Orc women good at sex too?

Excellent muscular control combined with orcish stamina and enthusiasm. So that's a yes.

Think we know enough Humanspeak to convey to Inka we want to fuck her like she imagined it to happen?

It's not like Ur'shal even knows how she imagines it would happen, that was more ooc information, what does he know about bizarre Cloud Tribe mating habits?

>How does each of our mates enjoy sex in general? I'm not that guy, but I'd be curious about both interpretations of the question.

See the response to "why not answer in both?".

Why not answer in both?

Well, to answer how much they enjoy it, in order of K'zala, Sho'ka, Aleida, Ashuris and Inka:
A hell of a lot
A hell of a lot
A lot
A hell of a lot more than she'd admit
Pure and terrified maiden who fears the orcdick.
For the general way in which they enjoy sex, setting aside position which I answered already, in order once again of K'zala, Sho'ka, Aleida, Ashuris and Inka:
Passionate but gentle
Hard and savage
Likes a man who takes charge
Likes to be dominated and humiliated (again, not that she'd admit to it)
No idea, although she's been told to like missionary with the lights off for the sole purposes of procreation within the bounds of marriage. Of course her fiancee has been a bit of a failure in that regard since he got an orcish spear through the throat.

You've said earlier that we should look out for clanmates who might have the potential to become priests. Are there any orcs we should keep an eye for priestly potential?

Aside from the obvious one which people have already picked up on, there are a few which Ku'zag thinks might have potential for it. It'll be brought up in quest sooner or later.

"Ashuris: Any position which leaves her with the feeling of very little control over the situation, not that she's admitted that" Tsundere AND a sub... Think she'll be the one to give our boy the mythical fellatio?

Who knows, guess you'll have to wait and see.

So what does Troll's Blood actually do to someone foolish enough to drink it or pour it in an open wound?

Depending on how much blood gets into the body it can either give you cancer or result in troll growths which will one day burst open to reveal new, hungry, angry baby trolls. Troll regeneration is kind of a dick like that.

How does each of our mates enjoy sex in general then?

Do you mean "how much does each of our mates enjoy sex in general then?" or "What is the general way in which each of our mates enjoys sex", because I can read your question either way.

What are each of our mates' favored positions?

K'zala: Likes to lie underneath you in such a way that she can wrap her arms and legs round, she just seems to enjoy maximum skin to skin contact and closeness as much as anything.
Sho'ka: Likes being put down on all fours and fucked hard, the rougher and more bestial the better.
Aleida: Standing, of the variety where you hold her up off the ground. This is a new discovery for her since she never had a partner before strong enough to do so.
Ashuris: Any position which leaves her with the feeling of very little control over the situation, not that she's admitted that, it's just the feeling you get from how she's reacted to your previous activities.

>She's adjusting. Seems there's a sense of just accepting the inevitable about Aleida, though she is certainly learning to enjoy big orc dicks. >Dicks What

Mistype, don't read anything into it. Ur'shal's is the only dick she's been taking.
OR IS IT!? Let the /tg/ ntr paranoia flow through you!

So what is our armor looking like right now?

Chain shirt and some assorted leather made from tanned rootsucker hides. It's a bit ragged and piecemeal, but so is everyone's right now.


Language: English