

Ask @BrightTegu

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Do any of our orcs specialize in ranged combat?

Not in particular, you have a fair few who are decent with slings and throwing spears, but so far your clan is mostly melee-based.
Or'kaz has told you that once you reach the jungle and have access to plenty of wood and such he can start making bows. Ur'shal isn't entirely sure what a bow is, but he's been assured that they're handy.

Does the shaman animal transformation work for flying animals too? Could we get our guy to do some scouting from the air. Also what are the limits to the size change on that.

It works on any predatory animal. Not prey, just to let you know.
Size limits varies depending on the skill at divine magic of the priest in question. Some of the most legendary priests of Tak'zaya Ska could wear the skins of gargantuan behemoths two hundred times their size, though such powerful forms caused them to forget their true orc nature pretty quickly.

Do children from breeding slaves get to interact at all with their bio parents?

Sure, though there generally isn't any sense of familial loyalty towards their breeding slave parent.

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Have there been instances of women willingly traveling to an orc clan to become mates or communal property of orcs?. Besides possibly goblins and Durna fanatics, I mean. Sane women who know what they're in for.

Perhaps in the case of women from horrible wartorn hellholes where the idea of being protected property of an orcish clan sounds like a better option than their current lifestyle. It's certainly not something that happens often by any stretch of the imagination though.

>will probably just be released back into the wild The mental image of an orc treating an old person like an ignorant person when they release store bought rabbits us a funny image.

It was either that or flush them down the toilet, and orcs don't have indoor plumbing.

We know that orcs absolutely love making half breeds with other races, but how do the other races feel about breeding with each other? I suspect that Elves, Dwarves and Giants probably put a great deal of importance on racial purity. (That's assuming that they can breed with one another at all.)

Humans and giants can breed with each other, and do on occasion, though most giants consider that to be little better than bestiality.
Humans and elves can also breed with each other, and half-elves are common in the lands near the less reclusive elven enclaves.
Human views on half-giants and half-elves is generally pretty positive provided it isn't in lands where they are currently at war with either elves or giants.
Aside from that, other races cannot breed with each other, and yes, dwarves and giants are pretty hardcore on the racial purity thing. Elves vary in that regard, some enclaves are of the "kill on sight" side of things for halfbreeds, while others are more welcoming.

We know why orcs take slaves, but why do Giants? Are they to proud to get their hands dirty? (At least I assume they take slaves, since they have a god of slavery named Julraghar)

Pretty much, slaves do all the work that giants consider to be beneath them, cleaning and the like. Also while giants are proud of their hugeness, they do understand that it makes it hard to do incredibly fiddly work, so they take slaves to do all the things they are too big to do.

What typically happens to a breeding slave when they are no longer able to bear children?

Put to work doing other jobs around the camp, cooking, repairing clothing and tents, that sort of thing.
If they have become completely useless they will probably just be released back into the wild, which is what orcs generally do with slaves who get too old to work.

No but seriously, is there a race that's genes are as equally virulent as an orcs and are they compatible?

Not that you are aware of, some races have more noticeable impact on their halfbreeds than others however.
Orc/Dragon halfbreeds for example are apparently quite impressive.

Did Durna ever go back to her orc god shuggah daddy after exile?

A few times, but she wasn't really a one-man kind of girl by that stage.

Would it be feasible to allow communal women to have rotating days off to recuperate their strength? I mean as much as green cock is addictive surely they need some form of rest? Sort of like a squad rotation policy in football.

Sure, now that you've got additional women that would probably be more feasible.

What's the opinion and attitude that orcs have towards farming and agriculture?

It's a useful thing that slaves and people you raid know how to do which allows you to feed larger groups of orcs.

Chance of us ascending to goodhood? Chance of being picked up as a divine servant?

If Ur'shal died right now he's already got enough favor to be a divine servant, though probably not to ever ascend to godhood.
Live long enough, get powerful enough, who knows, maybe Ur'shal could get a divine name tacked on the end of his someday.

So could a particularly skilled warrior be highly aligned with both Zol'gor Tor and Kul'zog Zor and learn both of their higher spells and shit. Controlled outbursts of insane fury etc etc

Some people are highly aligned to both, though it's rare for anyone except a shaman amongst orckind to learn more than one form of divine magic. Learning the higher spells requires being a priest of a single deity though, which requires a level of singleminded devotion that you can't get if you split your focus.

So if a male slave were to approach it's master or a lieutenant or even the chieftain and asked how he could improve his lot with the clan or something along those lines what would be be told?

That would depend on who he asked. The answers would probably range from "fuck off" to "work harder" to "take this club and go fight our enemies".
Of course if a slave has a valuable skill like medical knowledge, blacksmithing, carpentry, anything like that, he'll probably get more freedom and better treatment if he uses it for the benefit of the clan over a long period of time.

Hey Warlord, just want to thank you for the amazing job you are doing. Dont have twitter but just want to reinforce a surprise thread is the best kind of thread! Also @sperg-anon - Holly hell dude is your 'n' key stuck to your 'space' key? Proof read before you churn out your questions please

Thank you.
While I'm glad you're all so eager for extra threads, I think that 2-3 threads of 4-8 hours each week is my limit, if I ever feel incredibly motivated to suddenly run a surprise thread I will, but it's a hell of a time commitment and I am fearful of burnout if I force it.

What if you want more warriors now instead of in 15 years though?

Dominate more clans, you practically doubled in number thanks to recruiting the Rockbrutes. You know of at least three who haven't been corrupted by abyssal magic, the Stormhowler, Goatfoot and Skyhunter clans, and there's probably more out there you just don't know about because they aren't adjacent to your territory.

How do orcs usually recruit other races as auxiliaries if not through some sort of vassal/"honorary orc clan" arrangement? Slave warriors doesn't seem very practical or reliable on any sort of large scale, and we currently don't have enough orcs that we can afford to lose them causally.

Orcs don't often do such things, they might make use of small numbers of other races, like you are with your ogre slaves, but in general the orcish answer to low numbers is "breed more warriors!"

Zol'gor Tor let Druna go again after she came crawling back to him? I would think he would keep her if the Dwarfs are no longer interested. Or is it more that he gives her a long leash?

She didn't so much come crawling back to him as come back for another round... or two... or three. Druna became a tad crazy and uncontrollable for Zol'gor Tor's liking after a while, so he just left her to get on with her new divine activities, he'd moved on to other projects by then anyway.


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